One cold night, Santa was sat in his rocking chair thinking about the snowy weather.
He said, "This year we can not have a party because the snow is too deep"
That made the elves very sad, so Mrs Claus came in with a tray of cookies and told them to cheer up, she said "christmas is tomorrow night, put a smile on your faces"
The elves walked away looking very upset.
Then, santa came up with a very good idea to have the party outside, he told everyone to wear big colourful wellies, and warm fluffy clothes.
Everyone got very excited, even the polar bears were laughing.
When the party started, the ground was covered in sparkling white snow, the reindeers were dancing along with the music.
Then, Santa stood up and started singing a song.
Everybody was having fun, and was really looking forward to christmas.
Until, the music stopped and everyone was shouting "Whats happening?!"
So santa went to the big machine in the corner and on the machine was a red flashing light, that meant that a present has been lost.
So all the elves was looking for the lost gift, they couldn't have fun if one child didn't have a present for christmas, so santa got in his sleigh and flew to his grotto w here the elves make the gifts for all the children, there was a blue toy car on the floor that hadn't been wrapped, that was the missing present so Goblio the elf wrapped up the gift in shiny silver wrapping paper and that's how Santa saved Christmas...
That blue car was a present for a little boy called Tommy, and when he opened it on christmas day, he was so happy that he wrote Santa and all his elves a letter saying:
"Thankyou for the toy car, i've been wanting one for ages now, you're the best! from Tommy"
Santa was so pleased so he made sure that every year for christmas he would have a snow party.
Santa's Snow Party
Short StoryI wrote this for my little brothers, so it's not supposed to have good/intelligent words in as they are only 4 and 5