Kiss With A Fist (Prologue)

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(C) of Gorillaz goes to Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett.

A/N: Hello, everyone. This is my new Gorillaz fan fiction I am currently working on. :) If you don't know who the Gorillaz are they are a band made of cartoon characters created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. They are amazing! Go check them out and research their story line. Otherwise, this is a Murdoc x 2D slash because I absolutely love the pairing and of course ship them! <3 Also takes place at Kong Studios before Plastic Beach.

The title is inspired by the song Kiss With A Fist by Florence and The Machine .. You will find out later as you read.

Anyways, enough ranting .. Hope you enjoy! :)

Reviews are appreciated, tips as well! (Just don't be TOO harsh ;D)


Kiss With A Fist (Prologue)

Silence seemed to somehow scream in the deep hours of the night, as I laid back in my winniebango, a beer in one hand and a burning cigarette in the other, which was now dropping ashes to the purple colored carpet, leaving a bigger and bigger black hole as each burning ash drops. I didn't care. I didn't care about nothing at this point. I scoffed at my thoughts. When did I EVER care?

I brought my, now almost burned to the filter, cigarette up to my cracked, purple lips and took a long drag, blowing smoke out as I dab it in a overflowing ash tray beside me. I stood up, at last, my knees and old bridle body creaking and groaning.

I was pushing 40. I wasn't young anymore, I could barely get around.

I stretched some, causing every bone to crack and took a final swig of my bottle before throwing it over my shoulder, echoing a loud shatter into the night. I snorted at the pure irony of it. I flopped back on my bed, regretting it afterward. My back seemed to pop and crack some more as it hit the rough, springed mattress. I gave a loud groan and sighed. I reached above my head, grabbing a flat, basically ripped to shreds, pillow and placed it under my head (I get rather wild, if you catch my drift) and laid there in the darkness, letting my mind wander.

As it usually did, it dwelled on a emotion that seemed to never go away.


At my age, you'd think I would have found someone and settled down by now, but no. Not me. Not Murdoc Faust Niccals. I am the hardcore, bad ass, Satanist, Bassist, Sex God. I am the true sleep all day, party all night type of guy. I slept with any groupie who threw herself at me and gave a fuck less. No matter how many I ended up in bed with though, I still felt so ... alone.

Although I would never admit it to anyone, ever. I wished for someone to love me. Not a lusted fan, either. True, legit, love. I desprately wanted somebody to hold in my arms into the darkness, right here, in this bed. I also knew who I wanted that person to be, the one I wanted to love endlessly and carelessly. The one I wanted to be beside me every night.

I tried many times to convince myself that it was nothing but a phase. That it would go away with time .. and that I was just really more fucked up than I thought but I still find myself thinking about them, more than Is probably normal. I fight the feelings and thoughts for and of them constantly. I am in denial and I know deep down that I am but somehow they seem to always come back. I actually think I may be falling deeper for this person more than I thought, this person is my best friend, my band mate ...

His name is Stuart "2D" Tusspot.

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