You are what?!?! (a 1D fanfic)

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Hey guys!!! So I thought of an idea for a fanfic soo... I am gonna let you read it! DUHHH! haha :) I'll try and update at least once a week but I am a busy girl!! ITS ONLY 3 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS!!! OMG I am so excited!! Comment what you are getting or what you want for christmas and you might get a SHOUT OUT! See what I did there? If you call yourself a directioner then you might know lol. Why am I still talking? ON WITH THE STORY!!

ME!!xxx #YOLO #LOL


Willow's POV

"Mazie!!! Now we are stuck on this building and were too weak to get back down!" I moaned, well I guess your wondering how we stuck up here huh? Well lets just say we are not ordinary humans, well actually we are not humans at all! What are you then? Is what your asking me isn't it? Well you will find out shortly...

"Well it's not my fault!" Mazie shouted back over the screams of teenage girls.

"Yeah sure" I snapped back sarcasticly.

"It's not my fault!" She answerd back noticing my sarcasm.







"OH WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP!" Faith screamed making us stop straight away.

"sorry..." we said in unison.

"So you should be, right, how are we going to get down because we will be to weak to do anything like we normally do until we have some drink" Faith told us but while she kept talking I noticed a door.

"Umm Faith look behind you" I said, so she turned around and said

"Good looking Willow, lets go through there and see where it leads.

"I don't care where it goes! I JUST WANNA BE OUT OF THE COLD!"

When we finally got down about the 10000000th step, well it would of been quicker but we need drink so our super speed wouldn't work. We looked around and walked around,well we was following Faith because she is the most mature out of us all. "Where are we?" Mazie asked,but when she asked we walked through a door and heard singing, screaming teenage girls and music!

"Where are we?" Mazie asked again but this time we replied with a shrug.

"I don't know but I can hear a LOT of screaming" Faith commented, we both nodded in agreement.

Mazie's POV

We found a room and just sat on the sofas that were in there. But when we heard voices we had to run, I hid behind the sofa but I ended up with Faith and Willow on each side of me. The voices got louder by the second and all of a sudden the door swung open. I gasped but Faith put her hand over my mouth.

"Did you hear something?" I heard a VERY farmilliar voice say.

"Yeah did you guys?" Said another farmilliar voice. I heard another bunch of yes's about 3 more yes's i think.

"Did it come from behind the sofa?" an irish accent said.

"Oh shit" I curssed but then i regretted it.

"Mazie!!" Willow hissed but then I saw 5 faces looking over the sofa and staring at us like we were crazy!!

"Umm H-hi" I managed to get out. 

"Who are you? Are you fans?" The one with curly hair asked.

"Why would we be fans? Who are you?" Faith asked.

Then all of a sudden I smelt something nice, cherry cola!! It came rom the blonde hair! I had to bite him, oh yeah I'm a vampire... so is Willow and Faith but yeah...

I had to go for him and I guess Willow had to go for the curley haired one, he did smell of chocolate cookies though...

And Faith went for the one with the quiff, he smelt like strawberrys!!!

As I went for him he let out a shreik but it was too late, my sharp fangs sunk into his neck and I let the blood run down my throat, it was heavenly!

Willow's POV

The guy with the curly hair smelt gourgous!! Like chocolate cookies!! I has to bite him! He was obviously NOT a vampire or anything, just a plain old human. As my teeth sunk into him I saw Faith biting the one with the quiff and Mazie biting the one with the blonde hair. He tasted just as good as he smelled!!! The warm luiquid triccled down my throat as I moaned in pleasure. I saw two farmilliar faces, then I rememberd...

Faith's POV

That guy with the quiff smelled like strawberrys!! I had to bite him! He was a human, I could smell it... I lunged for him and drank his blood that was GOURGEUS by the way. I saw Willow drinking from the curly haired guys neck and Mazie drinking from the blonde haired guys neck. Well I'm not suprised! He smelt like CHERRY COLA! 

Louis's POV

Right now 3 girls,who seem very farmialliar by the way, were biting all of us apart from me and Liam!! When they had finished I saw their faces...

"LOUIS!!" Mazie screamed and ran up to me "I've missed you so much!" she said still hugging me.

She turned aroundto the rest of the girls and they hugged us to. Then Liam coughed trying to make a sign that he was here.

"LIAM!!" All three of them ran to him and gave him a bear hug.

"Where have you been these last 3 years?" Liam asked them, Faith was about to talk but Mazie spoke instead.

"Oh the usual, making trouble" Mazie smiled proudly.

"Oh you girls"I shook my head.

"So umm what just happend?" Niall asked obviously a bit scared now.

"Well ummm Niall, Zayn, Harry, me and Liam and these 3 trouble makers are vampires.."


Well guys!! that was chapter one!!!! Remember, comment what you are getting or what you want for christmas and you might get a SHOUT OUT!!!






BYE GUYSSS!!!!!!!!

ME!! xxx




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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