A Normal School Morning

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Sigh. It's September 4th already? School. I hate school. Normally I'd say I love school, but nope. School is not where I want to be. Surrounded by people who hate you, people who step on you(not literally but it feels like that), people who treat you like crap. Yeah that's my school life. If you were me anyways.
I slowly make my way out of bed, not that I want to, and make my way to my dressing table. There lay my phone,laptop and camera. I was keen for photography, I wouldn't say I was the best but I try. I look in front of me and see the page of the schools paper that I keep on my desk, obviously I'm not mentioned or even in the picture I just have it because um, well I like this boy. He's not just like other boys. He stands out. I'm not sure why I like him, but I do! And I'd just love it for him to even notice I exist, snap out of this Zoe this is never gonna happen!
Another bad thing about my school is that it's non uniform, which means we can wear anything, the main reason I hate school. Every girl has the best handbags, the best make up, the best clothes. I'm just here with ripped jeans, a few belly tops, long baggy jumpers and a few plain T-shirts oh, and a pair of adidas super stars.
I'm not big for fashion I love all my clothes dearly but it's just the fact I'm different. It's like a rule at our school where you have to be the same. Yeah stupid I know. That's my school for you.
I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out a pair of hand ripped black  jeans, a metallic T-shirt, a long pink jumper which quoted "Thrasher" across the middle and my adidas superstars which were still surprisingly white. I quickly put my clothes on and go back over to my dressing table and open my make up draw. I put a thin layer of concealer on just to cover up my acne as its not very pleasant. I fill my eyebrows in slightly and let my long curly hair just fall down. I looked in the mirror and smiled for once. I then remembered I need glasses. Yeah glasses. The first word I think when I say glasses is geek. Or nerd. But I don't just wear glasses for fashionable reasons I actually need them. I open my draw and find my plain black glasses with wide frames (the geek type glasses) and put them on. I wish I never wore glasses, they ruin my look.
I check my phone 7:40 my bus shows up anytime now. I rush downstairs and see my dad asleep on the sofa, meaning my mum was already at work. My parents aren't the type of parents everyone has. My parents hate each other. They only live together to stop me worrying which to be honest I find so stupid as I can clearly see they hate even being in the same room as each other. I sighed as I left the house without even telling my father, he'd only complain I disturbed his nap, best father ever!
I walked out the house to the smell of the Brighton air. I love Brighton, it's so relaxing and amazing for photography. And not many famous people live here either so there's never big crowds which really helps my with my anxiety. I walk to my bus stop debating whether to quickly go home and get my camera as there was so many good photo choices. I checked the time once again 7:46, my bus arrives as 7:53 I don't have time to get my camera. Maybe tomorrow. I need to hurry up. I need to meet Caspar and I most certainly can't miss my bus. My dad will kill me. Fun.
I walked. Trying my best not to miss the bus on the first day of year 9. That wouldn't be a good start. I see in Caspar in the distance, he waves, I smile.
"Zoe!Zoe!Guess what!" He shouts from like 5 steps away.
I look at him confused, has he got a new boyfriend? Has Josh dumped him? I had no idea so I replied with a simple "What's happened?"
"Happened?" Caspar questioned "Nothing's happened?"
I looked at Caspar confused.
"Okay Zoe something really exciting just happened!"
"Caspar tell me!" I sigh
"Well" he coughed "Joe Sugg has been moved up into our lessons this year so maybe, maybe you can talk to him"
I pause. I couldn't believe it. The boy I've liked since year 7 is finally going to be in the same room as me. He might talk to me. Wait what if I fuck up.
What if I embarrass my self. What if he hates me. What if he thinks I'm ugly. All them thoughts passed my mind and I totally forgot Caspar was talking to me..
"Zoe?Hello? You okay? Zoe?!"

Is This Love? // A Joe Sugg FanficWhere stories live. Discover now