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Petra had been simply going to a friend's house out of town, obeying all traffic laws. Everything was going fine until her phone rang...


The two had gotten married 5 years ago, their honeymoon lasted for half a year before they settled down into a nice two story house. They had gotten back only for Petra a week later, to start bolting towards the bathroom.

It kept happening for a while before Levi had had enough and took the woman to the doctor, only to get a surprise in return.

"Congratulations Mr. Ackerman. It seems that your wife is carrying a baby."

Petra had been crying tears of joy while they were in a tight embrace, they were going to have a family together!


9 tiring months later, a adorable baby boy was born. Petra had never seen a baby so cute; it had her amber eyes and Levi's black as night hair. She could already tell this boy would have a wonderful life.

"His name is Malay...Malay Ackerman-Ral..."

The ginger remembers the exact time and day when she had named her and Levis' baby, the day that his and her creation was introduced into the world.

She just wished she could've stayed until her baby reached the age of 3 at least.


Petra had been simply going to a friend's house out of town, obeying all traffic laws. Everything was going fine until her phone rang. She looked down for a few seconds to see that it was a unknown number, most likely from work.

She looked back up when she heard a loud blaring horn that could only belong to a semi truck vehicle.

Her eyes widened to the size of saucers as she saw the front of the huge semi truck only before pain over took her and a bright shining light cleared her vision; peace settling inside her body.

People that were driving around her swerved to get out the way and watched as the car crashed into the front of the truck and got thrown back a couple of feet away only to be left to a mangled pile of metal and blood.

They hopped out there cars, a crowd gathering around the sight as multiple people whipped out their phones to either put the scene on social media or call 9-1-1.

Police cars showed up in minutes to get the pedestrians backed up as they handled it; paramedics came up right after them as well as fire trucks to try and wrench the caved in car door open.

As they successfully did that, they saw that it was obvious Petra was dead; having died on impact of the crash.

The police had dragged the driver of the truck to come out, revealing a blue eyed woman, with her blonde hair in a bun and huge nose that was shaken up. So this wasn't on purpose.

She looked like she was ready to cry and she said that she would willingly serve her sentence if she got one for however long she had to.


When Levi's phone rang, he was holding the 6 month old baby and bouncing him up and down to entertain him as he gurgled quietly.

The man walked over and picked it up and said,


"Ah yes. Levi Ackerman, there has been a accident involving your wife' Petra Ackerman."
When Levi got to the station, he knew he had became a widowed husband. Who knew he'd have to take care of a 6 month old baby alone..?

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