Role Plays

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This story is just a whole bunch of RP, this is a RP inbetween me and my friend Anna during our Writing elective. This is her RP tumblr account : The normal is written by Ana and the bold is written by me.


Amanda looked up from her thoughts to see someone standing nearby. “Oh, I didn’t see ye there,” she said in surprise.

Blank stood there staring at this young lady. He cocked his head to the side, her voice sounded like bells to him. “It’s fine, I’ve only been here a few seconds.”

Amanda peered up at him. “Why are ye looking at me like that? Do ye need something?” She said, a little creeped out by his stare.

Her voice gave him shivers, he decided then and there that he would never let her out of his sight. “ What’s your name? Where do you live? Do you have a boyfriend, because if you do I will kill him.” He stared at her intently hoping that she would tell him so that he didn’t have to force it out of her.

Oh shit.

Amanda felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She could tell what he wanted from her by his tone of voice and questions. She reached her hand discreetly into her pocket, feeling around...

Yes. Still here. Thank god.

“Uh, I’m not gonna tell you any of that until you explain why you want to know,” she said, forcing a more courageous tone of voice.

“Ah ah ah, honey, take your hand out of your pocket and put your hands up above your head.” He had done enough things like this to carry around a piece of rope, a handkerchief and a bottle of chloroform. He brought them out of his pocket and grabbed a rock from the ground. He slowly stood up and chucked the rock at her head. He held his chloroform-soaked handkerchief at ready and the rope dangling in his hand. He was ready for anything...

Amanda tightened her grip around the handle of the small knife in her pocket as he spoke, hoping she wouldn’t have to use it. The moment he pulled the suspicious-looking rag and rope out of his pocket she knew that she would. Altering her stance slightly as he bent over, she got ready to fight back…

She tried to duck as the rock flew at her head, but it still grazed her slightly. She pulled the knife out and held it at the ready with shaking hands.

He saw his Beauty duck and pull a knife out, he started to sweat slightly, he had never done this while his Beauty was awake, he always took them at night. He then brought them to the warehouse he had decorated for the specific reason of enjoying his Beautys. He turned to his fighting stance, he had only had to fight once, on a failed attack of one of his Beautys she had been 16 at the time and her father had come home earlier than he expected. Amanda, that was the name of that Beauty, this one looked exactly like her just older.

Amanda saw him also get into a fighting stance. Struggling to remember what Ben had taught her. Look for holes, weak points. Right. She eyed the man carefully, looking for any advantage she might have. He was facing her, and he clearly didn’t have to fight often. She wondered for a moment how many other girls he had attacked like this. Taking a breath, she shoved all non-fighting thoughts from her mind and dug up all the memories from the brief day of training Ben had given her…

Surprise them. Do something they won’t expect.

Gripping her knife even tighter, she let out a high-pitched yelp and stepped forward suddenly, trying to surprise the man...

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