Only Chapter.

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This is quoted by him. He's a really close friend of mine and he hurts alot like ALOT. He hurts himself because of his stupid ex-girlfriend. Enough of that. Just read it and I know its only one chapter but its beautiful. Its like one of those romantic movies that make you happy and want to cry. But here it is: His story...

So her name was Sarah and I saw her only twice. Ever
And it was firstly on a Friday at work, where she fell and I helped her up and that was it. I noticed how she laughed and the maroon Jersey she was wearing and then she ordered something and left.

And then the next day I saw her at school winter fair and we looked at each other and she realised it was me and I her. By her smile and her maroon Jersey again. So I spent the day with her. Neither of us knew ANYTHING about each other and then it was like almost dark and she had to go home...
And she gets into the car and drives away
Then she come back two seconds later telling me she forgot to say bye properly. So she hugs me. And take my phone and she puts her number and name in for me.
And we spoke for a bit.
And then
It was dark and she came back and she said her mom would let her stay even longer (everything was closed up so we just took a walk). So then we get to a stall that was closed and waiting on the road and she runs up to the lady asking her what she had And I followed her..
And she asks me
What was my favourite childhood toy
And I told her I never had one...
And tells me to turn around
And then I do and she puts a little wooden train... In my pocket... And she's like... now you have one
And I'm like. Thank you and everything... And I'm like when you go back to your house how will you ever remember today
And she picks up a lil porcelain flower
And she's like... You'll buy me this
So I bought it for her And then we sat outside waiting for her mom to come back
And I turn around and on the lady's mat are these cheap bracelets... Like a link orange string
I bought two of them
And I put it on her wrist... And I told her I'd always want her to wear that and I'd be heart broke. If she EVER took it off
Then I hugged her. And she left.

And then we spoke for about a week
And I was crying about something
And she phoned me
And she was crying about something
And she said she felt hurt... And I said so did I.
And then she told me she was going to Italy for a whole year...
And my heart legit just shriveled up and died...
We spoke...
And she said she liked me but she wouldn't last a year if we became anything more...
So she asked me to ignore her everyday after. No matter how often she phoned or texted
And I did it...
So that she would be happy...
And now...She is...
And in a few months she'll be gone...
For a long time..
And yeah...
I miss her...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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