her death

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Drip, Drip, Drip...

If it wasn't already obvious I'm describing my death the sound of the six gun that was aimed at the left corner of my forehead, the yell of my friend's broken cry, the depressing sound of tears and blood hitting the dark ground
My friend... The things she hates
Made me scared. I didn't ever ask about her past mostly because I knew that she had a bad one but the same day we met she told me what usually takes days to come out on

"Look kid there are some... things that I just hate so if you can stay away from them I can too..."
She started to list them off each one made me more scared than the last

"Mirrors, chains, hand cuffs, the sound of guns, war, scar spider-"
"You mean scars."
"....Forget I said that".
Little did I know that she was into something a lot bigger than myself.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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