"Hey, Ave," Harry smiles at me through the screen.
"Hi," I mumble, smiling back at him. I was laid in bed, resting on my side while my computer was sat in front of me. "Miss you."
"I miss you too, love. Lots and lots. How'd your show go last night?"
"Really good," I nod. "Oh yeah, I need to show you something! Hold on a sec."
I get up from under the blanket, going over to the bag that I'd brought in from the bus this morning. We have a show tomorrow and since we'd gotten here so early, I opted for a hotel because I was in need of sleeping in a big and soft bed. I get what I need and then go back over to the bed so I can put it in the camera frame. It was a painting that I'd gotten during meet and greet that was of us, based off of one of the first pictures we'd ever taken together; specifically the one of him and I when the boys had come to surprise me at solo night.
"That's so cool," he smiles. "We should hang that. That's honestly one of the best paintings I've seen from a fan."
"Isn't it awesome? I flipped out when she brought it in. She was like eighteen and completely self taught. I definitely went over the amount of time I'm supposed to have with everybody when she came in because she was just so cool."
"We've gotten some really cool art too," he says. "Unfortunately I couldn't tell you what I've done with most of it. It might have been put in the back corner of our closet with all of those boxes that we still haven't unpacked. I should show you them, though. They're cool."
"I've got more but I think they're still in Frisco," I shrug. I put the painting back in the corner and then cuddle back up under the blankets. "How's the movie? Can I see your hair?"
"No, babe," he laughs. "I've told you a million times, I want you to see it in person. Not on camera."
"Still convinced that you just hate it and you're putting it off," I huff. "Even though you look handsome no matter what. And honestly if anybody is going to judge you for it, I'd be the last person to do so. Also, like you said, you'll be filming out in the open soon. I'm gonna see it anyway."
"Anyway," he sings. "Movie is going great. I'm having a lot of fun. Everybody is really nice and they all laugh at my jokes, so they're one up on you right now."
"How dare you," I scoff. "I laugh at your jokes! Granted, I usually laugh at the natural ones. Not so much the knock knock jokes. You usually only tell me the lame ones. That's on you, not me."
"It's not that I only tell you lame ones, you just think all of them are lame," he glares. "Get your facts right, Ava."
"Just watch, we'll be like super old and still arguing over this. Like if there's one reason we get a divorce, it'll be because you think that I think you're not funny and because your knock knock jokes are lame."
"What are you sayin' babe? You sayin' we shouldn't get married?"
"Okay," I glance at him in confusion. "Where in my words did I say that? I never said that, asshole. For somebody who's angry about how his amount of humor is perceived, you sure don't take jokes well."
He chuckles, giving me a lopsided smile. "M'only jokin' love. Just wanted to see how you reacted. Also, it's not nice to call people assholes."
"Well that's just too bad. 'Cause you're an asshole. But also you're quite literally the nicest human being I've met in my lifetime, so screw you and your perfectness."
He looks at me with an amused smile, shaking his head at me. "I don't get you sometimes. But I love you, so I guess that's all that matters."
I sigh, letting my head fall against my pillow as a stupid smile comes across my face. "Love you," I mumble. "I wish you were here."
"Trust me, I wish I was with you too babe. I hate being away from you. I also really hate that you're half naked under that blanket and that I'm not half naked under it with you. Or completely naked. That would be good too."
I laugh, rolling my eyes lightly at his words. "You're such a dork. Only a few more weeks 'til you're coming to see me though, yeah? We're headed to Ireland in a few days and then you're meeting me in Manchester after Ireland?"
"Yeah," he smiles. "Can't wait to see you. My mum just texted me today actually saying that she can't wait for us to be 'round for a few days after your show. I'm sure she's already got all of her meals planned for us. She loves when Gemma and I bring people around. I think she just loves people in general though..."
"You do too, though. That's one of the things you get from her."
He smiles. "She's the reason I am who I am."
"You're so sweet," I pout. "Knock it off."
"Weren't you just calling me an asshole a minute ago? What am I, honestly?"
"Oh wow, look at the time... gotta go!"
"How rude," he pouts cutely.
"If you show me your hair then I might consider staying."
"That's not fair! I told you I want you to see it in person. Plus it's not styled, s'just gonna be all messy."
"You're so full of shit," I laugh. "You think I care if its styled or not? I'll give you a hint... I don't."
"I'll show you next week, okay? When we do our Skype date next week. I'll have it all styled and everything."
I pout, but nod. "Fine. I will not hesitate to hang up on you next week if you don't show it to me."
"You're so dramatic," he laughs. "I promise I'll show you next week. I really don't know why it's such a big deal, but I promise."
I smile, nodding my head. "You call me dramatic but you won't show your own fiancé your hair because it's not styled? Okay..."
He rolls his eyes at me, shaking his head. "Moving on... is that a new tattoo on your wrist? What is that?"
"Oh yeah! I thought I told you but I guess not. I got a little music note like two days ago."
"You went and paid for something that small? I could have tattooed that on you. I have a tattoo gun, you know that right? Tom gave it to me."
"I hadn't really planned on getting it... Rose wanted to get her nose pierced and Gabbie and I went with her to the shop. You know how I am; I walk into those places and can't walk out without getting something."
"Hmm," he looks at me skeptically. "Would you even trust me enough to tattoo you?"
I shrug. "That depends on what and where it is. If I was planning on getting another big one, which I'm not, I would go to a professional. But something small like this I'd probably let you do."
"Think of something for when we go back home, 'cause now I really want to tattoo you."
"I want your initial on my ring finger after the wedding," I mumble quietly, smiling shyly.
He smiles, his eyes seeming more awake now compared to the entire time we've been talking. "Really?"
"Yeah," I nod, my smile growing. "I mean I've already got your handwriting on my body, why not?"
"Well you'd probably have to do it after our honeymoon, 'cause the water will just wash it away. And the sun isn't great for tattoos either."
"True," I nod. "I don't mind waiting though. I'm in no rush."
"I'm in a rush for the wedding," he mumbles under his breath. "Can't wait to marry you. S'gonna be the best day ever."
I smile in adoration, feeling a slight blush creep up onto my cheeks. I let out a happy sigh and let my head fall against the window. "I have butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it. I can't wait either."
"I can see your blush through the screen, pink cheeks."
"Oh shut up, butterfly babe."

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...