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You Cant Blame me.

Its not my fault I'm a dreamer.

you cant blame me.

its not my fault I'm a failure.

you cant blame me.

its not my fault that I'm a freak.

you cant blame me.


I breathed in fast , quick breaths, my warm breath making columns of fog swell in the cool winter air.

i kept running, kept glancing behind me, kept trying to rub the images out of my mind.

my wounds cried, my body whimpered, my will shattered along with everything else.

i cried out in pain , running in the large sparse forest , running from the monster.it was coming to get me.

my shredded clothes barely clung to my frail , malnourished body. but i kept stumbling, crying and wiping away the well of tears that dripped from my dual colored eyes. 

I had to keep running.

Did i have a choice?

No, i didn't.

***4 hours earlier***

I sat in the small metal cage that i was kept in , weeping lightly as i waited, looking around in fear.

i whimpered a bit as i saw the door creak open a tiny bit, i see shoes scuffling towards my cage.

as the cage was being lifted, i held tightly onto the metal bars, my knuckles whit as i held onto the bars with all of my strength.

the familiar sound of the machines humming along with the steady talk in the background was suddenly replaced with an ominous silence, i shivered in fear.

my eyes widened in fear as i saw the door open , i back up like a defenseless animal, squishing myself further into the corner of the metal cage. my body shook , relentlessly shivering with anger and pain.

i held onto the bars tight , my body shaking as i felt the cage put upon a flat surface.

with a small creaking, the small metal door opened, i protested, screaming and crying for help and in pain as i was dragged out of the small abode i had lived my entire life in.

with a click , my hands were secured behind me, the electronic handcuffs sending massive shivers of fear down my spine.

 i cried out in pain as several tubes were hooked up, a pain sent through my entire body.

i looked around me as all the scientists nodded at each other, affirming and calculating the last bits of information.

i struggled, crying hysterically as i struggled to get out of the firm grip of 2 security guards.

"Experiment 34254 ready for testing." a woman with ivory tanned skin said, nodding to a bald man , a faint whisper of a mustache lined his top lip, his mustache almost dancing as he spoke.

i looked around me, crying out for help , trying to hold onto something as i was dragged down the same shot hallway, the smooth metal walls stained with my scratches.

"NO!! STOP!! PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP!!" i shouted., tears clouding my vision.

with a brutal kick to the gut accompanied by another brutal kick to the chest , i silenced  myself, the blood rising up inside my throat.

i cried, wailing louder and louder as the silver door opened, shaking my body with all of my might as my body was shoved into a large cylindrical tube, i cried as i hit the glass furiously , my tears swelling up my vision, the shackles secured with a loud buzzing , the clanging of the metal restrains on my neck and legs and arms.

i cried, wailing as the green goo started to fill  the tube, the floor quickly becoming a pool of the gel.

i kept pounding restlessly at the glass, yet, slowly the glass kept filling up with the goo.

as the goo slowly closed in my doom , i took one large gulp of oxygen and closed my eyes, a small tear streaming down my face.

"Help me." i murmur, and the world went black.


no ones POV

"Goodnight Doctor." Amy said, walking thought the Tardis hallway towards the small room that her and Rory shared.

"Goodnight Pond." The doctor replied merrily, although as the ponds got out of view , he sighed heavily, raking his hand through his hair.

he sighed, looking at the tardis, a warm smile washing across his old ace, a kind and fun loving smile.with one last look around the Tardis , he took a deep breath , and decided to retire early.


Amys POV

where the heck am i?

i took a look around me, i was in some sort of lab, vials of various substances decorated the walls.

"What the h-"

i was interrupted when a blood curdling scream erupted a bit farther away.

i covered my ears, and walked towards the noise, my footfalls silent as i follow the voice.

as i come to an impasse, i look around, seeing what looks like large test tubes filled with a green goo. i look around , gazing at each of the tubes, that's when i gazed upon the last one.

slowly, i walk up to is, hearing whimpers for help coming from it.

i walk up to the large tube, and place my face against the glass, gazing inside.

inside the test tube there lay a small girl , her body still and frozen.


suddenly, a large wave of pain shook my body , i scream in pain , my eyes clouded with visions, weird visions, yet all of them had one thing in common. they all had the girl, the girl in the test tube.

suddenly , the visions disappear, and i gaze in front of me.

and her...

her eyes are open, and looking at me.

"Help me." 

"Amy! wake up!" i was suddenly shaken awake by Rory, i look around me to see that i was where i usually was, in the Tardis. the memories flooded back into my mind, and i felt tears stream down my cheeks.i sob quietly into Rory's shoulder, and finally i go to bed.


3rd Person POV

The Next Morning , the Ponds awoke tired, unable to rest as Amy was freaking out as her dreams seemed to pus her off the edge of insanity.

But, the weird thing was, Rory had the exact same dream that Amy had described.


"Ah! Ponds! there you are!" the Doctor said happily, dancing around the controls.

the tired ponds trudged into the room , the doctor quick to notice this.

"Doctor. we need to talk."


"Rory! i assure you, its fine! it might just bee a case of the fact that Amy riled you up , so your mind recreated it, its fine. it happens all the time." The Doctor purred, assuring the ponds that it was completely normal.


 Not Even Close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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