Getting Ready

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'Have you ever noticed that a woman's "I'll be ready in 5 minutes" and a man's "I'll be home in 5 minutes" are exactly the same?'

"Sara, can you zip the back of this dress up please?" Tina yelled.
"Alright, I'm coming, no need to shout." Sara replied, returning from the shower. A long, white towel was wrapped firmly around her body, clutching onto her. Her legs were smooth and tanned, just like her arms. She skipped over to Tina, who possessed natural blonde hair, that had been recently curled and placed on her left shoulder, so that her hair wouldn't get caught. Sara bounced onto the bed and slowly zipped up the back of Tina's dress.
"There," Sara stated, satisfyingly. "Can I sort myself out now?"
"Yeah. Fine. Get dressed, and then you can help me with my makeup." Tina sighed before giggling. Sara sighed, and headed into her wardrobe to find the short, rich blue dress, hanging up. She pulled the dress off of the hanger and headed into her Mum's room.
The ivory towel slipped off of Sara's body and dropped to the floor like a feather. She glided the dress up her tanned body, and fixed it into a comfortable position. She turned towards the mirror and looked at herself. She tugged at certain parts of the dress until she was appeased.
The dress was a beautiful blue; which was rich and vibrant. It had no straps and stayed put around the upper body, revealing her defined collar bone. It had a large, blue rose that was tied to the side of her waist, on her dress. Her hair was a brown and blonde ombré colour that was neatly curled, and rested on top of her shoulders (somehow dry). And her skin was clear and soft like velvet, and her hands were small and fragile.
Although, her eyes seemed to overpower her other features. Her orbs were a sparkling, amethyst colour, that captivated men everywhere, although she never knew that. Her eyes seemed to always glimmer with happiness and hope. The purple colour of her eyes, are considered very rare, as not very many people possess them.
She smiled to the mirror, before heading back into the room where her best friend was waiting.
"Finally, you're back" Tina beamed.
"I wasn't gone for very long." Sara smiled, as she looked at the small, digital clock on her desk. Her room was one of the smallest rooms in the house; with teddies, clothing and pieces of paper scattered everywhere. Her desk was crammed with books, paperwork and makeup, that she still needed to clean up (her Mum will keep nagging her until she does). Two of the walls in Sara's room were baby blue and the other two were baby purple. Her desk was a also a soft purple, with a large mirror attached; that swung round to reveal another mirror, with lots of photos covered all over it.
Tina added the final touches to her eyeliner, before spinning round.
"I need help with my contour! Please help me. I don't want to look bad. My boyfriend's coming!" She cried.
"Ok. Ok. Calm down. I'll help." Sara reassured her. She plopped down onto the edge of her bed and gently applied the contour. "You know, if your boyfriend truly loves you, you don't need to wear makeup; he'll love you anyways."
"Yeah... But, I don't want other people to think I look bad either. Don't you think Kayne's cute?" Tina said, rubbing her fingers.
"He's your boyfriend, so I'm not going to answer that question." Sara responded. Tina was a huge flirt. She went out with everyone she thought was cute and good looking. Although, Kayne was different. Tina hadn't dumped him yet or cheated on him, and they have now been dating for over two months. It's surprising, because she normally spends a month or a few weeks with a guy and then dumps him. So Kayne must be really special.
"I've finished." Sara stated.
"Wow. Thank you," Tina said, gleefully. "Did I mention that you look so pretty in that dress!" Sara blushed and smiled.
"That's good." Sara said, shyly.
"Let me do your makeup. Quick, quick. Sit down."
"Ok, but remember-"
"I know, I know. Light and simplistic. I can't go overboard and I should try and make it as natural as can be." Tina interrupted. Sara smiled, and let her makeup artist work.

"Ok. I'm done." Tina said, her tongue sticking out in concentration. She leant back and grinned. "I've created a masterpiece." She squealed. Sara turned to face herself in the mirror, and she smiled as she saw how well Tina had applied her makeup.
"You did it how I like it." Sara noted. Her best friend nodded her head up and down, vigorously. Sara laughed and so did Tina. "I'm going to put on my heart necklace now." Sara claimed.
"Yeah, I'm going to put my rose necklace on." Tina stated.
Sara lifted a necklace off of her large jewellery stand, that had a golden rimmed love heart with a gorgeous, blue diamond in the centre of it. She placed the necklace around her neck, before looking once more into the mirror. Sara looked at Tina, to see her placing a golden chain around her neck, that had a small rose on it, which contained a small rose diamond in the centre of it. She had been given the necklace by Kayne and said she'd only wear the necklace for special occasions and whenever she sees him.
"Girls. Are you ready?" Shouted a woman's voice from down the carpeted, beige stairs.
"Yeah, we're coming now, Mum." Sara yelled back in reply. Sara glanced at Tina, who was grabbing her pink heels, which matched her bright pink dress. Her dress had straps, was very short, and had a large, pink bow tied to the side of her waist. Sara grabbed her own silvery heels, before heading downstairs.
They ran down the stairs with their purses and shoes in hands. She slipped on her heels and looked at her phone. 12:40am. The wedding starts at 1:00pm. Sara's Mum, strode into the corridor, a purse in her hand. She wore a medium length, white dress that had flowers blooming over the single strap of her dress. Her straight, blonde hair unfolded over her shoulders as she bent down and fumbled with the straps of her black heels, when suddenly Sara's Dad, bent down and helped her. Her Dad wore a black tuxedo, with a small black bow tie, and recently polished, laced up, black shoes. His black hair, was neatly combed back, and his blue eyes dazzled with happiness.
"Time to go, Bonnie." Sara's Dad said.
"Yes. Let's go Tomaz" Sara's Mum replied.
Tomaz opened the door and they all walked out into fresh air.

"Dude, quickly! You need to comb my hair." Lucas yelled.
"Coming, coming." Jackson said, as he walked through the door of his bedroom with a soft, white towel wrapped around his waist.
He plopped onto his bed and grabbed Lucas' comb.
"I wonder if there'll be food... And pretty girls..." Lucas began, drifting away from reality.
"There'll be food for sure... But I'm not so sure about the girls." Jackson chuckled.
"I'm sure there'll be girls. Come on. Why wouldn't there be? Girls love weddings, right?" Lucas asked.
"I don't know," Jackson answered. "There, I've finished combing your hair. Can I get dressed now?" Jackson sighed before heading towards the door.
"Go ahead and get dressed. I'm going to practise my pick up lines, and then you can come and help me with my tie." Lucas stated, tugging at the bottom of his tuxedo.
"Your pick up lines are always so cheesy and embarrassing." Jackson mumbled, before completely exiting the room.
"I heard that!" Jackson heard from the other room. He chuckled and let his snowy, soft towel slide off of his hips and onto the floor. He slipped on a black and white tuxedo, (a white button- up t- shirt, a black blazer, some black trousers and a small, black bow tie), before combing his coal, black hair with his Dad's comb. He looked at himself in the mirror and his strong, (slightly) muscular build, his tanned skin and his glimmering, blue eyes, stared back at him. His eyes seemed to contain the whole ocean. They were a smooth and deep blue, that seemed to enchant any girl that passed, yet he never seemed to notice. His hands were firm and dependant, like his arms and legs. He walked back into his room, where his friend was checking himself out in the mirror. He swivelled round in the soft, black chair.
"Dude, do you think I look alright?" He cried. Jackson chuckled, softly.
"You look fine. Now, let me help with your tie." Jackson stated, striding over to Lucas, who was now standing up.
Lucas had been Jackson's best friend since Primary school. Even now, in Secondary school they were still best friends. Lucas had blonde hair that (even if you combed it for two hours) wouldn't stay in one position. He classed his hair as the 'perfect, blonde mess.' Lucas, also, possessed jungle, green eyes, that always shone brightly.
But he was a fool for love. Flirting with every beautiful girl, he came across, although he would always get turned down. He always tried to look his best, despite his messy hair, and would do anything to impress the girl. He'd hold doors open, buy them a dress or a necklace, kiss a pole. It was crazy, the lengths he'd go through to get a girl. But that's also why Jackson looked up to him and admired him. It was because Lucas never gave up. Although he used cheesy pick- up lines; he was very caring and friendly. He cared about his friends and would stick up for them, even if he got hurt during the process.
Jackson fondled with Lucas' tie, tightening it and then positioning it, directly down the middle of Lucas's covered chest.
"What do you think the music will be like? Rock and roll? Smooth and slow? Pop?" Lucas asked, after Jackson had finished fixing his tie.
"It'll probably be more smooth and slow, if you ask me. But my mum's friend could change things." Jackson told him, as he began to tie his polished, black shoes. Before Lucas could reply, Jackson's mum burst through the lounge door and shouted up the stairs.
"Boys! Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, we're coming now!" Jackson shouted back.
He looked at Lucas, to tell him to get his shoes on and to hurry up. Lucas rolled his eyes, grabbed his shoes, wallet and phone, just like Jackson did, before they both ran down the wooden stairs.
"You boys ready?" Jackson's dad, questioned. Jackson's dad wore a navy, blue tuxedo with a camera dangling around his neck. His hobby was photography and always wanted to capture 'the beauty of the moment.'
"Yep." Jackson replied.
"Have you got the gifts, Paul?" Jackson's mum asked the towering man. Jackson's mum wore a long, black dress, that had a long slit in the side, so that when she walked you could see her tanned legs. Her hair was tied up into a neat bun, and sparkling blue earrings, hung from the lobes of her ears.
"Yes, have you got the invites, Leia?" Paul said, smiling, as he pulled Jackson's mum closer to him.
"Of course." Leia giggled. Lucas laughed, as Jackson began to pretend that he was going to throw up.
"Let's get going, then, shall we?" Leia asked, sweetly. Lucas smiled, and opened the front door into the morning breeze...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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