freewriting #1

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I don't know hwat to write i dont know what to do mac n cheese is nice and music is too music is pleasing to the easrs thi s font is nice, and free writing is kind of chard, chard? whats that i dont know. robertidk is cool hes good ar songs id ont know what to write again fALL Is a nice season its my favorite the trees turn into preyyy oclors and they are nice and the weather is frewat too. i don t good at writing and i cant write anyhting good i cant rite angythin h good i lack spelling in this wow how do think ing meme s a watter btoolle a watter bootleg n a tv thsts infrom t of me and opeej is cool he gave me the isdea to free werite thanks peeh hwow PEEH. What a crasy mane. That would be a cool jiarcut not really i don t whats life anymroe my friends are messaging each other in the groupchat tm. i dont know what to do this wqas a bad time to rfreewrite and i dont know what to tyoe oh wait kahoot mosci is nice and waticer is nice yoo nad glue is jkinda gcool it putrs things togfetther, FEATHERs arre very ice and vfluffy and i like used to draw in ms paint but now i have an aokoapaca aofware to art in and also medibajng wahat to write what to write i odnt know kahoot music jajoo t music memes memees meemd s mmd is cool clouds woyd be a nice thing to live ijn evem though they arent have surface, oh well. that in ky dreams. my hair was itxhcy oh i just waisted a few seconds oh well im very quit e not mad pupperts ate vool VORE isnt cool. that's one of the things that isn't ciool in this woktl.d/. nothing is okay in 2016 i just want a mug od blu and yellow. they tasted nice but where i no have any. im wasting prescious time but i mean ive havd write bklock for a while and i dont kno w whta to do. listinging ito music is okay but thaey dont really give me any ideas thsta whiy im rfreewriteing. i dont have spell. or frammar. you know what i mean stax isnt dead it's canon oaky ice cream is taste good. it's really nce ecxpet for poeple who are lactose inotleratnt. and life is okat, but you just die in the end, dang. frewe writing ois okay too. I wasted a bit of time messaging my fren gn. Oh no, Life really does SUCK. Or should i say,, SUCC. Im sorry no im not mhy favorite number is four twenty wow this font doesnt haev a four bnut you dont know what font im typing in because you wereent here in the writing process. OH NO. All you need to know is that theres no four key in the font it looks klike a speech bubble instead i should maybe change th efont but i dont really have time. well, this is really long what a wall of tezt and none of it is indented and have correct gramar. i should brush my teteth. soon. i will, adter this freewriting wha t if robots brushed out teeth for

and then time ran out. i'm pretty sure i wrote this WAY too fast, hah. i've been having the infamous WRITERS BLOCK for a bit. haha wish me luck i'm not a great writer or anything. 

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