Eternity; a vast expanse of time that only mortals covet. To the truly immortal however, forever seems like a neverending procession unfortunate events that tend wear down even the most resilient of souls.
Gabriel, or Gabe as he is known these days, sat there in his vintage winged back chair, pondering these thoughts while he swilled glass after glass of Jameson Irish whiskey and chainsmoked his favorite Pall Mall unfiltered cigarretes. He did these things not caring about the adverse effects or the surgeon general's warning because he wasn't the type of person who would be taken down by diseases like Lung Cancer or Liver Failure. In fact he rather enjoys indulging in these guilty pleasures because he figures, "What does some happless old mortal know about how The Endless work?"
The Endless; a very rare breed of Immortals that have been walking the Earth for a forgotten number of Millenia, unable to be killed by anything or die naturally. They were put here to protect humanity from themselves and any supernatural anomolies that exist and may seek to damn or save their souls. A universal police force that makes sure the gift of free will doesnt get wasted, that the scales of an unseen war stay balanced, unbeknownst to the humans and any other being that possesses a soul worth corrupting.
Over the course of human histpry The Endless have be called many things for lack of a better explanation; Gods,Demons,Angels,Sorcerers...etc. Their race has been at the source of close to every account of the Divine. Every account of magic and the supernatural, due to their never ending quest to erradicate the dangerous things that go bump in the night it was kind of hard to keep their existence a secret, and none of them wanted to tamper with human memories, so they let them believe what they wanted because there was no way they would find out the truth. Of course witches,werewolves and vampires do exist but are nothing more than the result of wayward but ambitious members of The Endless trying to rule and destroy humanity. Live long enough and you'll forget why your here in the first place.
Gabe is the oldest and the strongest of The Endless and the only one with the exclusive ability to dispatch his siblings with unnerving finality. That knowledge is known by very few and most of them had to find out first hand.
He always figured that he was created to be the Lord and and the Undisputed law amongst his most intimidating family. The big brother who was forced to raise his younger family members, be their Father, brother and best friend. But that means having to hash out some harsh punishment every once in awhile. Because even immortals go mad; But it was a mantle that he did not take to with great enthusiasm, a few too many of his siblings needed to be dealt with and he couldn't let the others know. They became too conspicuous, too bold. His wrath as a rule had to be absolute and without qualm or prejudice the way his Father had intended.
Though like his father, the christian god Yahweh; Gabe has always been kind and willing to forgive which has led him to heartbreak the few times he's had to crack down due to those he punished believing him to be too weak and too attached to destroy them, believing him utterly incapable of the task altogether. A misjudgment on the part of Brahnwen and Dis Pater that he was quite sure they regret wherever they are if they are anywhere, but their execution by him wasn't something he wanted to be public knowledge, his siblings would never understand the difficult position he has been placed in. Only Alucard and Seraphim know him for who he really is and only because it's their business to know. The three of them together equal God in power and rightly so. Alucard alone has powers that are unfathomable to anyone but himself, the big boss of death and the regulator of the flow of destiny, existence and time; currently he is MIA, a problematic situation that has grudgingly been put on the back burner.
Gabe's age predates the traditional calendar but by his occasional estimation he is roughly around two-hundred million years old...give or take a century. In all that time he has tried to do immense amounts of good, as is his nature. He's been the benefactor of hundreds of orphanages and non-profit humanitarian organizations. He's been elected pope twice and has been sainted once. That very fact is what has driven him into his current state of emotionally charged reflection. What to do about Elijah?
The Chronicles of the Endless book 1. "The Betrayal"
Paranormal"The Betrayal" Though technically the first book in the series, is actually the sequel. It is about the leader of The Endless "Gabriel". The Endless are a family of Immortals who were created by God in the very beginning to serve as a check and bala...