Hood love

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Alaysia pov

"DINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! DINGGGGGGGGGGGG!" Screamed my alarm clock. I had hit the snooze  button like 4 times already. So i had been late.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be late!" I semi yelled. "Gia! Wake up sweetie!" I yelled trying to get out of the bed. I quickly ran into Gias room to get her up and ready. " Mommy im already up." She said trying to put on her clothes. I giggled a little at her putting her pants on backwards.

Giavanni is my daughter. She is 3 years old. I call her Gia. She is the light of my life. Her dad walked out when she was 4 months. So it was just me and her.

"Come here sweetie let me help you." I said grabbing her arm and pulling her toward.me to fix her clothes. "Mommy, i had said i go-" "We need to hurry up Gia. Your bus could be here any second now. " I said while fixing her pants. "Mommy" She wined.

"Gia i dont have time to hear any of your complaining this morning. Now come here so i can do something with your hair." I said as i grabbed her hand as we walked to the kitchen.

20 minutes later

I had gotten gia ready and was standing outside with her waiting for her bus. "Dang what is taking so long." I said to myself as i checked the time on my phone.

I looked down at gia and saw her looking at one of her friends walking with her mom and dad to the bus stop. "Mommy, do i have a daddy?" Gia asked looking confused. I didnt think that she was old enough for me to explain this stuff to her.

"Sweetie, i dont think you should kn-" Right when i was about to finish my sentence, the bus was pulling up for her to go to preschool. "Good morning Ms.Channing." The bus driver said to me as i held gias hand to get on the bus.

"Good morning. Has she been good?" I said referring to gia. "Yes she has. Shes like a little angel." She said smiling.

"Okay. Thanks again." I said as I was walking off the bus. "By sweetie!" I yelled as the bu  was pulling off. "By mommy!" Gia yelled out the window. I smiled and started to head back to the house to get ready to go to work.


"Yes sir" I said as i was grabbing the plates from the table and putting them in the dish washer. I work at golden coral at the moment.

I wanted to get enough money so i could move me and my daughter out of that ratchet and horrible neighborhood we were currently living in. I got layed off from my other job, so this was the only job i could get with the bad record i had from a long time ago.

"Alaysia, get your head in the game! We need more hush puppies!" Yelled my boss. It took everything in me not to slap the damn shit out of that man. But all i could think in my head was 2 more years. 2 more years until i have enough money to move.

"Yes sir" i said back. I went into the kitchen to start on those hush puppies.

2 hours later

I was about to go serve a different table when this incredibly handsome man came and grabbed my arm. "Excuse yo-" I got lost in my words when i saw his face. He was this darkskinned beautiful angel that fell from heaven. "I-im s-s-sorry i, i di-" Its okay. You look like you were in a rush." He said smiling. I just smilled back and looked at his face once again. He laughed.

"See something you like?" He asked concerned but a little amused. I looked at him realizing that he saw me staring at him. "U-umm-" He started laughing at me again. "Whats so funny?" I asked trying ot hold back my laughter because if i were him right now, i would be laughing too. "Nothing, your just so cute." He said. I was trying to keep my cool because i really wanted to blush so badly. "Thanks." Was all i could get out. He started laughing at me again.

"Ugh, would you stop laughing at me for once in your life." I said while laughing at the same time. "I can try. But heres my number." He said while writing it on a peice of paper he found laying around. "Call me sometime, and by the way, my name is Jakeem" He said while winking."And heres  mine, and by the way, my name is Alaysia." I said while taking the pin i had in my pocket out and writing it on his arm. "Well then, thanks." He said while smiling and walking away. I turned around and smiled like crazy. "Alaysia! Where are my hotdogs at!?" My boss yelled. I just realized that i was burning them.

Later that day

It was 4:00 and i was waiting for Gia to get off the bus when i just realized that i forgot to get her book this morning and turn it in to the library. I sighed. "I need a damn nap right about now." I said quietly to myself.

It was about 4:30 and i was still out here waiting on gia's bus to come. I really need to start taking her to school. But its just to much to do in the morning and it takes way to long. So thats why i never liked doing it. But i guess ill have to start doing it if i dont want to keep waiting out here all damn evening.

5 minutes later

I decided to go stand on the porch and ill see Gia get off the bus and just tell her to walk down. I started to get a bit annoyed so i just put on my earphones and listened to music. Moments later i felt tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Gia tapping me constantly. Apparently i fell asleep. I looked around to see if anyone in my neighborhood saw me laying on the porch like i had an drug overdose. Although you would be suprised at how many people ive seen like that before.

"MOM! WE GOT REPORT CARDS TODAY!" She said all excited. When i was a kid, i was scared as hell to tell my parents we got report cards. I guess thats why i am where i am today. "Wow! Can i see?" I said while motioning for her to get in the house. "Yea look!" She said while running inside and throwing her bookbag on the ground. She gave me the report card, and she had all 4s (4 is the highest by the way). "Goodjob baby!" I said while high fiveing her. "Lets go get some icecream to celebrate!" I said while picking her up and spinning her around. "YAYYYY!" She said inbetween laughs. I dont know what i would do if i didnt have Giavonni in my life. "Come on, lets go!" I said while carryin gnher to the car.

Icecream here we go.


We were just leaving the ice cream shop and Gia had fallen asleep. So i thought that that would be the best time for me to go drop off this book. I drove home and got the book out of the house and locked the doors. I got back in the ar and turned on the radio and put on my shades. As i was driving, i felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, so i checked to see who it was. It was an unknown number that wasnt in my contacts, so i ignored it. Then i realized Jakeem had my number earlier so it might him. Oh well, ill call him back when i get home.

I got to the library, and i let gia sleep and locked the car doors and made sure i had my keys with me and went inside. It was alot of people in here today and i wasnt really in the mood to talk,touch,or be around people today. So i just kept my cool and acted normal.

I waited for like 3 mintues until it was my turn to go up to the front desk. "Hi, How may i help you?" The lady said smiling. For some reason she made me want to be nice. "Hi, im here to return a book." I said. "Over there." She said while pointing to the return line. "Thanks." I said while walking.

As i was walking to the line, someone pushed pass me and knocked all my stuff out of my hand. I was beyond pissed. "Hold the fuck up bitch, who the fuck you think you is knocking my shit out my damn hand." I said while grabbing that persons hand. He looked scared as hell. He should be. "Im so sorry mam" He said. "Here, ill pick it up for you." He said while walking toward me and picking up the stuff he knocked out my hand. Afterwards he walked away. Im done with damn librarys. I returned the books and went home. I need a drink.


Hey guys. So this is my first story, so it might be some typing mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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