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Kagami POV

I woke up groaning. My head was pounding, my back was stinging and I felt like shit. I tried to remember what happened yesterday. It was all a big blur but as far as I know we had a party at my house because we won the winter cup. Aomine was there as well. Why? I have no idea. Wait.


Aomine and Kagami are in the kitchen everyone else is in the living room. Both of them are drunk. "You know Bakagami. You look really sexy right now." He slurred. Kagami blushed like crazy. "You're pretty hot too you know." He mumbled embarrassed. "I loved you for some time now, so I'm just going to kiss you." The blue head told the red haired teen in front of him. "Wait what?" Kagami stammered but before he could say anything else, Aomine's lips were on his. He melted into the kiss and sighed. He wanted to do that for a long time too. If you can call about a month a long time. All he remembered after that is that they went out for a bit and him falling asleep somewhere.

End of Flashback

Kagami shot up in his bed fully awake now and eyes wide. 'Holy shit he kissed me.' He screamed internally. That's when he heard a groan beside him. He looked to the source of the noise and gasped. Aomine was lying in HIS bed. NEXT to HIM. 'God what am I going to say when he wakes up? This is so messed up. Why did he kiss me? Does he love me too? Or was it just because he was drunk?' Thousands of thoughts ran through Kagami's head at the moment and he didn't have an answer to any of them. His train of thoughts was interrupted when he heard a raspy voice calling him. "Taiga?" 'Wait he's using my first name? Is there maybe something important that I don't remember?' Aomine sat up and looked at Kagami. His eyes widened. "Oh shit." He said when he saw Kagami looking at him embarrassed. 'That was one hell of a night, my head hurts like hell and wait why is my back stinging? Damn, the way he's looking at me making that kind of face is so cute. Wait, does he remember last night. I mean I don't even remember everything.' The blue head thought staring back at Kagami. "Morning." Aomine mumbled, taking the red head by surprise. "Y-Yeah, M-Morning." He repaid flustered. "Some night eh?" "Y-Yeah, hehe." "Do you even remember?" Aomine wanted to know. "Not everything, b-but I know that we K-kissed." The red head stuttered out embarrassed. He looked down, his cheeks matching his hair. "Oh, is that embarrassing you, Taiga?" Aomine teased him. Kagami turned even redder. "S-Shut up." He mumbled, making the other chuckle. "Aww don't be like that. I enjoyed last night and I know that you did too." The blue head said leaning closer to Kagami. The red head boy was ready to die from embarrassment right there. "W-What did we do besides k-kissing?" "Oh, nothing, we were just making out and decided to go out, that's all." Daiki said. "G-Go out? S-So we're like... a couple now?" Kagami couldn't believe it, on one side he was really shocked, but on the other he was screaming in joy. "You could say that Taiga." Was the response. "So I get to call you Daiki? Because you've been calling me Taiga this whole time." "If you want to." Kagami smiled. "You're taking this rather well despite the fact you only remember the kiss." Aomine said smugly. "Of course I do Aho. I'm really happy we're finally together, because I've loved you ever since our game at the winter cup maybe even before that." Taiga confessed. The blue haired teen looked at him surprised then he smiled too, leaned forward and kissed the red head. Kagami's eyes widened but then he closed them. When they broke apart both of them smiled even more. "So, how about I make breakfast?" Kagami asked. "You can cook?" Aomine said surprised. "I live alone, of course I can cook." Was his answer. "This just keeps getting better." The blue head said grinning.

Kagami stood up and stretched. Due to the fact that he was shirtless just like his blue haired partner Aomine noticed something on his back that brought back some memories of last night. 'No way. God no.' "T-Taiga." "Yeah, what is it Daiki?" the red head said turning around. "You might want to look at your back in the mirror." The blue haired teen said. "Huh? Why?" "Just, just do it." Kagami sighed and went to the bathroom. "What the fuck. You're kidding right?" Aomine heard a few seconds later. He got up as well and went to Kagami to calm him down. Meanwhile Kagami's head was about to explode from all the thoughts running through it. 'Shit. Hell no. How did that happen?' He was really freaking out right now until he felt two strong arms sneaking around him from behind. "Calm down Taiga, it's not that bad. In fact it looks really awesome." "Y-Yeah, maybe, but what will the others think if they see it. I mean...sigh. Also it will stay there forever." "It's ok, like I said it's not that bad and now everyone will know that you're mine." Aomine said tracing the outer lines of the dark blue panther tattoo on the back of his boyfriend. "You're right, it's just a lot to take in. What will my father think? Not that he'll find out anytime soon, but..." he trailed off. "Wait, we went out together last night. I guess that's where we went huh? Wait if I have one, and we went together then... Daiki turn around." Kagami told the blue head. Said boys eyes widened. "You don't mean?" "Exactly, now turn around." Taiga demanded. Aomine did as told, getting a gasp from the other boy. He turned his head to see his back in the mirror. His eyes widened and he let out a quiet gasp as well. On his back, similar to Kagami's tattoo, was a red tiger.

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