Rue D'oeuf and 42nd Avenue

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A/N: So, I decided to upload another story instead of continuing the other story (after uploading that chapter). I'm a great, person, aren't I? >:) In all seriousness though, this was inspired from my English teacher who told us to write a story off of this picture. Knowing me and my little "creative" mind, I decided to turn this into a NedCan fan fiction, simply because we all need more NedCan in this world. I'll try to keep this as historically accurate as possible, but honestly, I have no guarantees. And on another note, shout out to that one person who recommended me to write more NedCan. This is for you and others out there who are encouraging me to keep going because I WILL. Hope you enjoy this story, everyone! :D 

Maddie Williams POV:

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down my breathing. The man in front of me, Gilbert, if I recall, just passed away in front of me, shouting some random prophecy or something like that. I honestly didn't know him personally, but what I did gather was that he was calm and collected, up until the gas was released into the medical tent, making the ones in the worst shape go crazy and die the most violent death. Honestly, these people... they make me sick. Killing off soldiers that have the potential to fully heal, the fact that they think that everyone that isn't healthy is as good as dead just..just sickens me. 
"Ah, Maddie, we have another patient. Can you tend to him please?" 
Clapping a hand on my shoulder, Amelie winked. "Despite his rugged state, I think you will INSTANTLY fall in love with him." 
Rolling my eyes, I readjusted my glasses and fixed my already messy hair. Amelie was always trying to hook me up, but because of the war, things have been a bit strained, relationship-wise. Walking into the main section of the place, my eyes set on a buff man with dirty blonde hair and piercing green eyes. 
"Ah, you must be Maddie, yes?" 
Doing my best to not melt in front of this man, I nodded, forcing a weak smile. "Ye-yep, that's me. And you must be...?" 
Furrowing his brow, I internally winced. He probably hates people who are generally shy, or at least, quiet like me. He probably has some hot chic as a girlfriend or something as well....
"Lars. Lars Van Willem," he grunted, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I heard many things about you, and need to ask you something." 
Perking up, I straightened myself out. "O-oh? So, erm, what bring you here, Mr. Van Willem?" Growling, I took a tiny step back, quickly apologizing. "Sorry, sorry, if you don't like that, I can just call you Lars, or Mr. Lars, or...or...." Feeling a slight blush creep up my cheeks, I shut my eyes. "Sorry." 
Feeling a hand on my head, I looked up. "Stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong." 
Confused, I open my mouth to say something, only to have a bubbly voice cut me off. "Brother~!"

Turning around, Emma ran past me and into Lars' arms. "What'cha doing here?" 
Eyes softening, he let a small, low chuckle, making the whole room brighten up at lest 200%. 
"I'm here to visit you, of course. What else?" 
Eyeing me, my friend smirked. "Oh nothing. I thought you were here to visit your hero's sister." 
That's right. My brother Matthew DID mention about liberating some country, though I was busy tending a slowly-dying Gilbert. 
"Hmm?" Raising an eyebrow, he approached me, a hand cupping my cheek. "So you're the sister he was talking about, huh?" 
Trying to suppress the blush crawling up on my cheek, I gulped. "Y-yeah. Matthew, right? He-he's my brother, alright."
Smirking, I swore I could have melted into his hands if the conditions weren't as bad as they were right now. "Well, it's finally nice to put a face to the description, no?"

Letting out a small nervous laugh, I smiled. "Mmm. I heard some things from Mattie too. Nice to finally meet you in person," I lied. There was no way I was going to give up this opportunity now! 
"Nyah, brother, did you get a girlfriend yet?" the Belgian busted out laughing. "Because Madeline here could REALLY use one, amirite?" 
Sputtering, I put my hands up in defence. "No, no. No I don't need one, what 'cha talking about Em? You're spewing nonsense again, you know, I mean, your brother probably has a girlfriend by now so don't you worry about me, my friend.." Continuing to ramble, I took a deep breath, trying to regain my mess of a posture. Clearing my throat, I fixed my pigtails. "What I mean is, I'm fine. Really." 
Pouting, she spoke to the other in a foreign language I could not even comprehend. Even with the occasional French word they threw in there, I couldn't even understand what they were talking about. Realizing that it was now my chance, I threw on my best smile. 

"Well, it seems like I have some pressing matters to attend to now, so please, excuse me." Turning around before anyone could say anything, I felt a hand grab my arm. "Hey. When this is all over, meet me at Rue D'oeuf and 42 Avenue." 
Confused, I looked into his beautiful green eyes for an explanation. "Wh-why?" 
"Don't question it. Promise me, OK?"
Slowly nodding, he turned around and walked out of the tent, leaving his sister and me behind. 

As the time passed, I grew increasingly worried. It has been close to four years and still no sight of the mysterious Dutchman. Moreover, Emma won't even talk about him, changing the subject every time I asked her. Amelie just smirked when I brought it up with her, so to me, that was just as helpful as asking a pancake. Deciding that there were more pressing matters, I did my best to push the thought of him out of my mind. 
Things were definitely easier said than done. 
Days turned to weeks which turned to months which turned to years, and still, no communication nor discussion about him. Lars. Was he dead? Shot on the battlefield and never found? Captured and executed? Brushing off these thoughts, I carried on my duty. 
I was nurse. I was supposed to help people, not selfishly think about myself and about my love life. Many people out there has it worse. 
The news came to me like a relief. 
The message resonated throughout the entire tent. Many were crying tears of joy, others were staring blankly into space, as if they were trying to process the fact that this bloody war had finally come to an end, after they had lost most, if not all of their friends and loved ones. 
I was sort of in the middle of this spectrum; on one hand, I was happy that the World War was over, and that the amount I have to deal with every day will soon lessen, but on the other hand, there was no word about Lars. Like nothing at all. 
Sighing, I packed up the last of my belongings, looked around the room one last time and left, not looking back at the hope I have left behind. 

I shivered from the winter in Paris. "Darn it, why did I leave my heavy coat at home?!" I muttered to myself. "He might not even come today, if ever...!" 
Looking around, I noticed all the busy people bustling around me, trying to make it to their work on time. Yet, there was me, just standing there like a frozen pole, trying to look for something that is practically non-existent at this point. 
Until I saw it. 
Muscular build.
Messy blonde hair.
Piercing green eyes.
Feeling a smile creep up on me, I ran into his open arms. 
"Lars," I breathed, "I've been waiting for you."
Chuckling, he shrugged. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, then." 

A/N: Psh, I don't even know. Hope you enjoyed this little fic/drabble. I own none of the characters, for they belong to Himaruya Hidekaz, and the picture belongs to Robert Doisneau. :) Hope you enjoyed and see you in the other fic~! 

Rue D'Oeuf and 42nd Avenue (A Netherlands/Nyo!Canada Drabble)Where stories live. Discover now