Get To Know Emma

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Song To Listen To While Reading
~Invisible - 5SecondsOfSummer~

Her name was Emma, she was a girl who didn't go outside, didn't hang out with "friends", and stared at a screen. Her parents always say she's addicted to it, when in reality the screen makes her happier then anything else. Yea, the people on the other side of that screen don't have any idea who she is but that doesn't matter to her cause they make her happy. And she has friends but they are all so different from her and don't understand her, except for 2 of them. They are McKayla and Junior. She doesn't see McKayla much since she doesn't have a phone and junior goes to a different school. But that doesn't mean that she dosent have any friends. She does they just happen to live all over the world. Some near her , some far away. But it dosent matter to her. They are the best friends she has ever had. Emma struggles with trichotillomania , a disorder that makes you pull out your hair , she has social anxiety and hates speaking out loud to people she dosent know, and last but not least she has severe depression. She has family troubles too. She comes from a broken home, her mother went to rehab , then her mother moved out for a while. Her mother and father never got a divorce and are still married. They all live together but they still have fights. Then her dads side of the family dosent all get along with her mother. Ever since her grandma died the drama seemed to to get worse but Emily always ignored it. She has her opinions. She just keeps them to herself. But anyways Emma is a YouTuber I know it's crazy that someone with social anxiety is a YouTuber. But she can really express herself on YouTube. Emma like I said has severe depression , she self harms and thinks about committing suicide but her best friend/ex girlfriend Clarissa convinced her not to. But the people who saved her life. Is 5 Seconds Of Summer. They saved her. But that's a story for another time.

So I hope you enjoy me telling you Emma's story. Xx - Emily

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