For You, I Will

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“Hey Nerdy, have you finished doing my assignment?” asked Marian, my most irritating classmate. “Y-yeah. Here it is.” I told her while handing her assignment made by me. After that, she left. She left without saying ‘thank you’ to me. I sighed in disbelief. Who am I to be greeted back anyways? I’m just Gabrielle Aurum Trinidad. The school nerd slash personal assistant slash  maid. Yeah, I’m not rich like my classmates and schoolmates. I’m just a poor scholar who perfected the entrance exam here in Paroistin High. I cannot overpower others, for I don’t have the right. This school has discrimination when it comes to scholars. Yes, your school bills are free but you need to work for them in return. Unfair right? But I don’t have a choice. I need to finish my studies so that my siblings can study.

Friends? I don’t have one. I will believe that miracles do happen if I will have one. They’ll just talk to me when they need someone who will do their home works.  And me, as the nerd of section A, and their so called ‘slave’, does what they want me to do. I don’t know why they are here in section A if they are acting so uneducated. I guess I already know the answer. Money. Wealth. Life becomes so unfair when it comes to money.

“You don’t need to do that, Gabrielle”  said Ms. Chen, my class adviser. She’s very understanding, pretty, caring and smart. She has a very positive outlook in life. I smiled at her sadly. “It’s okay Ms. Chen. I’m fond of it.” Ms. Chen is like my older sister. Every time my classmates bully me, she’s always there for me, telling that I don’t need to this or that. I want to say, “I want to, Miss. But I can’t.” because of their power. They can even overpower the teachers here even the principal. But I won’t let them judge me, because they don’t know who I am. They don’t what life is what I have. They won’t understand me..  They will never will.

Miss Chen sighed in defeat. “If only I can…” I cut her. “Miss, it’s alright. Really.” I smiled at her. She smiled back at me. She’s always telling me this statement: “If only I can help you, I will.” but we can do nothing. We’re just a low class people for them. The work-for-me-I’ll-pay-you people. Then after that, our class in  Chemistry  started. Time to focus on studies.

I’m in the middle of my daydream when my professor in Chemistry called me. “Miss Trinidad, are you listening?” he said while arching his eyebrow.  I nodded. He’s a terror. He’s the epitome of a monster, I guess. Nobody can defeat him, even the elites. That’s why many of the students here is afraid of him.. even me.

“S-sorry sir.. I’m just.. Uhm.. Day dreaming.” I answered shyly. I can hear the laugh of my block mates. I bow down my head and I guess my cheeks are burning. One sign that I am embarrassed. That’s their hobby. Making me embarrassed and look stupid in front of everyone. “This is not the time for your fantasy dreaming Miss Trinidad. Go in front then answer the problem on the blackboard.”  My block mates’ laughs grow louder.

I went in front then answered the problem. I finished the problem in just a second. I faced the class . I smiled with what I saw. All of them, shocked. Some are glaring at me and mouthing, “attention seeker.” But then again, I don’t care. Even my professor was speechless. “Who am I again? I’m Gabrielle Aurum Trinidad. The school nerd remember? Then why all of you are shocked?” I smirked as they look away. I just shrugged then went back to my seat. The bad girl side of me came out again. All of us have their bad side.  Some just don’t know how to control it.

I know my limitations. But I can’t just stand there and do nothing. I hate being underestimated. No one knows who I really am except my family, of course. The awkward silence broke when someone knocked on the door. Saved by the knock, I guess? My professor opened the door and a beautiful young man together with our university dean appeared. I heard everyone gasped. Who wouldn’t anyways? Oh… I think I’m not of them. I’m not interested with boys. I never got attached with anyone. Because I want to finish my studies. I want to work for my family.

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