A new begining

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Hey guys im zukaarimoto21 and im trying to get back in the rhythm of writing again so bare with me ok and sorry if it doesn't meet what you are looking for so and now here we go!!!

POV: Ruby

"Finally ive arrived at beacon" she walks around and sees all sorts of people with different kinds weapons as she gets all hyped up and excited, "man it's good to be here i wonder where Yang is?" Ruby, hearing her scroll beep, pulls it out. Speak of the devil.

Yang: hey sis where are you at? I've been looking for you everywhere

Ruby: I'm at the entrance Yang meet me there

Yang: ok sis

As soon as she closed her scroll someone bumps into from nowhere, knocking her to the ground, “Hey watch it!!” Ruby says. She looks up and sees a girl with long black hair held up with a bowtie almost as tall as her sister wearing a black top and black bottom jeans with tall boots,

The new girl reaches down to help her up, “Sorry about that.”

Ruby reaches out and grabbed her hand as she helped her up. “Thanks for that I'm Ruby… Ruby Rose.”

The girl smiles and introduces herself  “And Im Blake…. Blake Belladonna. Um aren't you a bit young to be going here?” she says to Ruby with a confused look on her look on her face.

“Well yes but Ozpin said that I have the skills and qualifications to enter the school.” Ruby says with an annoyed scowl.

“Right well good luck Ruby” Blake says with a smile then turns around and walks off

“Thanks Blake I hope we meet again.” she says with a smile as Ruby then turns around and sees Yang up in her face as she falls back startled “Where did you come from sis” she asks looking up at her with an annoyed look

“I’ve been looking for you Ruby” she says reaching down and holds out her hand to help her sister up with a bright smile on her face.

Ruby reaches out and grabbed her sister's hand as she gets pulled back into her feet “Thanks yang it's good to see you, um i thought you were in the building for the intro ceremony?” she asks

“Well yes but I decided to look around for you and here you are” as she then tackles Ruby into a hug and laughing while ramming into someone's luggage by accident. Ruby looks up to see Yang running off.

“Yang. Come back here! This was-”

Ruby was cut off by an annoyed shout. “What happened here? Are you blind or something?” The girl in white shouted at Ruby.

“No it wasn't me it was-”

She was cut off again by the girl “Do you have any idea what could have happened if you broke any of these” The girl continued to shout as she opened one of the suitcases and pulled out a bottle that had blue dust in it. “Good nothing was damaged” she looks at Ruby with an angry expression “You're lucky nothing broke”

“Wait aren't you Weiss Schnee ?” Ruby says with a curious look on her face.

“That's right and you're lucky none of my dust bottles broke” she starts waving the bottle around as dust flew around

“Um Weiss im gonna-” her nose started twitching as she sneezed and blew ice and froze her in place “ Omg i-i-I'm so sorry Weiss” Ruby starts freaking out as the ice busted and Weiss broke free but giving her a furious look.

“You complete dolt i swear you…i should...ugh nevermind” she puts the bottle away then walks off.

A new begining (RWBY fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now