Chapter 1 : sugar

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" It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting."

Turning around, she answered the call of her classmates. Lately she's been feeling down; like life was...boring. Of course she did her best in all the classes and had a lot of fun with her friends but she, as greedy as it sounded, felt like she needed more. More action, something that intrigued her. Something that caught her eye.Shaking her head once, she got up and headed for the staff room.

" Never let the things you want, make you forget the things you have"

Y/n always had a habit of quoting books. Although she thought it was a bad habit, most people loved it how she would say a really inspiring quote for the littlest of things . It would usually make people laugh. not only that, but she was also very oblivious. She would always question her friends what they were talking about although it was blindingly clear.

But those flaws weren't flaws at all. They were parts of her that made her, her.

pushing open the door to the office, she stared at the two boys standing almost at the same height as her science teacher. Her eyes had gotten dry due to all the blinking in confusion she had done. Her head tilted to the side.

" Sir, you called me?"

Chuckling at her formalities, he held up his index finger, pointing it straight at the two boys. At that she became even more confused.

" Are you stupid? "

The tone of that voice had an irritated vibe and sent a shiver down her spine. Puffing out her cheeks, she crossed arms and huffed."Well, i'm sorry for being stupid...."

This had stopped the boy from saying anything else. Thats the first time anyone had reacted to his insult that way. Running his hand through is black hair, he averted his gaze to the ground.

" Its not like I said you were."

Not able to hold back his laughter, the blonde had doubled over in laughter. He couldn't help it and neither would anyone if they spent their entire life with Yuu. Hearing the light hearted laugh coming from his best friend, Yuu's face heated up.

" Sorry, Yuu-kun. I just.. have never seen you like that before"

Turning to face her teacher, she walked up to him and crossed her arms.

" Shall i show these two gentlemen around school?"

She turned around and left, motioning them to follow her after she was given a firm nod from her teacher.

And so began their tour.


The hallways which would soon be filled with students, were as clean as glass, so clean that you could see your reflection in it.

" Here is the science room that mr korinawa is in charge of. You will be working in here for chemistry science most of the time. "

Walking pass the genitor, the exchanged some friendly greetings.

" Kaito-san, Good morning, good job on cleaning the school. We really appreciate it."

Looking up from the floor, the genitor, kaito had a smile plastered on his face. He was around 19 years of age and was a college student. The green cap on his head kept his blue hair neatly in place. If he took it off it would be really spiky.

" ah, if it isn't y/n l/n, the miss that everybody looks up to.No need to flatter me, i'm just doing my part time job here. Who are those boys behind you?"

Smiling at him, Y/n jabbed her thumb at Yuu's direction.Then at Mika's

" This is Yuichiro Hyakuya but you can call him Yuu and this mikaela Hyakuya but you can call him mika."


" and there you have it. thats the tour of the entire school. Oh and here are your uniforms. These are the girls ones. Your dorms are down this corridor, to the left, right opposite the girls's dorms. Anything else you would like me to answer? "

Just on time, the bell rang and out came a flood of students ranging form dwarf sized kids to frighteningly tall people.

Y/n had tried to stay closed to the two boys but was having trouble. She called out the two boy's names.

Big mistake.

Very big mistake.

The noise in the hall stopped and he students stopped moving. All eyes were on y/n and the two boys.

She felt a slight bit of pressure as she asked them to follow her outside. Creating a misunderstanding with the students.

" What?! Some new kid got y/n before us?!"

"is she going to ask one of them out?"

" She's so brave!"

Getting irritated by the little comments sprouting out of the students's mouths, she dragged them to the court yard and slammed the door shut.

The crowd of students followed them but was blocked by the soundproof door.

" So, is there anything you would like to ask?"

Yuu looked at Mika. Of course he had some questions but they were just small ones. not ones that needed to be answered immediately.

" Good, now. Would you like to join the Art club. There are only four people in there, Kimizuki-san, Shinoa, Yoichi and I. All we do is create mangas or animes and voice act them or illustrate them. Right now, we are short on members to voice act and write the plot of the story so....."

Facing the ground with her body at a perfect ninety degrees, She asked.

" Please join the Art club!"

She stayed that way for awhile, hopping that The answer they give was favourable.


Still bowing, She awaited for Mika to talk.

" Oi, Yuu, don't be so mean. Y/n, we'll think about it. But for know, we'll have to say no."

as she finally lifted her head, she took a deep breath and put on the best smile she could muster and let them go after saying ' no problem, take your time.'

" What?! They turned y/n down?! How dare they reject her confession. I'll get them back ?!"

"even after she bravely confessed to them?!"

" That was the first time she's ever confessed to anyone!"

Looking at the crowd, she put on her best smile.

" i wonder what your talking about."

This act caused the crowd to burst into tears, all comforting her. Being the oblivious little girl she was, she tilted her head and came to the conclusion they were talking about Yuu and mika joining.

"Your life is a story, Whats done is done, Where it goes from here is all up to you. Its up to you to write your own ending!"

"There it is!"

"The famous quotes she says"


sometime everything seems perfect. It seems like the world had stopped spinning, like time had stopped moving and everything was perfect.

But there are times when disaster happens, when sadness, agony, regret is present in you head. Those are the times you really realise and say ' I'm happy I lived this life'


"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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