The brown haired beauty

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It's Fred's third year on hogwarts he is standing next to the hogwarts express with his family except his dad he was bored they have been waiting for his dad 10 minutes and its almost time to get on the train. After 5 more minutes his dad got there "okay kids remember to behave and Fred George try not to blow up the whole school" their dad was looking at them with a serious face "we will try not to dad" they smiled and hugged their dad and then their mom and Ginny and then Fred and George and Ron got on the train Ron sat with Harry and George was sitting with some of his and Fred's friends and Fred was looking for somewhere to sit. After 10 minutes Fred found one where there only was a girl "hey" Hermione then looks at him she looked kinda scared but Fred thought she was beautiful and smiled at her "h......hey" Hermione had always been bad at talking to people she dont know "dont worry i dont bit only on mondays" it made Hermione laugh Fred held his hand out for Hermione to shake it and she did she was smiling Fred knew she was beautiful "so what's your name" Hermione smiled "Hermione granger what's your name" Hermione was reading a book Fred saw it was Romeo and Juliet"Fredrick weasley but i go by Fred" they were talking all the way to hogwarts. Fred and Hermione didnt even notice that they already was at hogwarts until George came in "hey Fred we are here" George didnt notice Hermione and Fred then looks at George "we will be out in a minute" George was confused until he saw Hermione then Fred and Hermione got up and got their suitcases and got out of the train with George they were all 3 walked together to the castle but all they talked about was Hermione.

Its been almost a year since they got to hogwarts Fred and Hermione is doing almost everything together they are in Hogsmeade and they are looking around and alot of people are dancing in the town square Fred looks at Hermione she looks nervous around at all the dancing people "do you wanna dance" Hermione looked at Fred like if he was crazy but the she laughed and smiled "sure" Fred took Hermione's hand and walked in between all the dancing people and started dancing with Hermione slowly they were starring at each other "mione i wanna know if..........if.....if u wanna come to the burrow for chrismas" Hermione thought about at for a minute "sure that sounds fun" then after 5 minutes the dance speeded up a little Fred and Hermione was laughing alot they had so much fun.

 They danced for 2 more minutes and then they went shopping for candy and other things they had fun for 4 hours then Hermione was tired so they started walking back to the castle on their way back Hermione got really tired "i cant walk any longer"...

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 They danced for 2 more minutes and then they went shopping for candy and other things they had fun for 4 hours then Hermione was tired so they started walking back to the castle on their way back Hermione got really tired "i cant walk any longer" Fred then looked at Her she looked like she was gonna faint "are u okay?" Hermione looked at Fred "" she didnt get to say anything else she fell to the ground and Fred started freaking out "Hermione!" he shaked her a little "wake up" Fred picks up Hermione and start running to the hospital wing with her the hospital lady told Fred to lay Hermione on a bed and wait outside while she checked Hermione Fred was freaking out but he didnt know why he was freaking out so much Hermione was just a friend then George came and sat with Fred "are u okay Fred?" Fred then looked at George "no Hermione is in the hospital wing right now" George looked confused but then he remeberd who Hermione was "Fred im sure she will be okay im gonna go get ready for bed" then George got up and walked to the gryffindor's common room and got ready for bed while Fred was waiting to get to see Hermione. then the hospital lady comes out to Fred "she is okay she passed out from being way to tired" Fred then looks at her "so she's okay" the hospital lady nods and Fred start smiling and runs in and stands beside the bed Hermione was on and looked at her he felt really happy that she is okay Fred gave her a kiss on the forehead "goodnight mione" then he left to the gryffindor's common room and start getting ready for bed but he couldnt sleep so he sat in the common room and look into the fire place after 2 hours he fell asleep on the couch.

then in the morning George woke Fred up and he started getting ready for breakfast and did the homework he didnt get to do yesterday and then he went down for breakfast he was walking slowly down to the great hall and started eating, people was talking to him but he wasnt listening he was looking at the door waiting for Hermione to come eat, he kept starring at the door after 10 minutes Hermione walks into the great hall and looks for Fred and Fred sees her and gets up and runs up to her and picks her up hugging her she giggles and hugs back Fred put her down and they walk over to the table and talk till they have to get to classes Hermione had potion and Fred magic animals lesson but he wasnt even paying attention he was painting and thinking about Hermione he didnt know what he was painting but then when the lesson was over he looked at the painting and he saw Hermione.

Fred then whispered to himself "am i in love with Hermione" he then putted the painting in his bag and left the class trying not to think about the painting as he went to potion and he met Hermione on the way because she had magic animals lesson n...

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Fred then whispered to himself "am i in love with Hermione" he then putted the painting in his bag and left the class trying not to think about the painting as he went to potion and he met Hermione on the way because she had magic animals lesson now they gave each other a hug as they walked by each other Fred sat down in class and tried to pay attention Hermione was doing good she was paying attention till Draco started making fun of her she tried to ignore it "hey mudblood where is your friends oh i forgot u dont have any friends" Draco was laughing Hermione got up and ran out of class crying in potion Fred was still trying to pay attention "Fredrick go take a break" Fred looked at the teacher and got up and left the class and heard someone crying and walked to where he heard the crying and saw Hermione and walked over "what's wrong mione" Hermione looked at Fred with tears in her eyes "Draco called me a mudblood" Hermione saw anger in Fred's eyes and Fred sat beside Hermione and she putted her head on his shoulder "dont listen to him is an idiot and your are a muggler and your the smartes witch ever and tomorrow we leaving to go to the burrow for chrismas break its gonna be so much fun" Hermione and Fred was smiling and Hermione nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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