Wohngemeinschaft des Wahnsinns

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It's just anormal friday Skate and Clym sit together in their apartment, justhaving finished their recording sessions and now sharing some jokesthey heard that day.

„We gottado the dishes before we go out today." Skate reminds his friend."And you said we should set up the shelf." Clym points to theunopened IKEA shelf that lies on the floor of their office. They hadjust moved in together and aside from the desks, their computers andtheir beds the apartment was pretty empty.

Skate takes adeep breath and begins to plan: "Okay, it's 6 now, we should eat,we have to do the dishes and set up that damn shelf. Sir DennisSparkson said if we'd wanna join them we'll have to be downtown at 9and if we wanna make it we'll have to leave at 8."

"So wereally have to hurry." Clym notices.

"So getyour ass of your chair!" Skate says and plugs his phone into thestereo.

"Pleasedon't!" Clym says as he realizes what Skate is up to. Skate knowsexactly what his friend means but takes his hand over his head andslowly presses the play button on his phone. Rage from Attila startsto play and Skate takes a pair of scissors and full force chucks itinto the unopened IKEA-box.

Clym facepalms and slowly gets up from his desk chair.

Skate pouncesat the box, pulls out the scissors and starts stabbing it.

"You knowthat you don't even need scissors for this box?" Clym asksskeptically.

"Yeah, butwhere's the fun in that?" Skate argues and stabs the box a couplemore times. As Skate goes back to the desk to put away the scissorsClym opens the box. He empties the box and throws the cardboard inthe hallway that at this point is just riddled with wholes. Clympicks up a piece of paper and starts reading it. Skate comes up frombehind and snitches the paper from Clyms grip.

"Skate, Iwas reading that." Clym accuses his friend.

"And again:Where's the fun in that?!" Skate explains and tosses the paper outof the open window.

"That werethe instructions!" Clym shouts and looks at Skate in disbelieve.

"But do weneed them though?" Skate asks and starts sorting planks and screwsinto piles.

"You areinsane!" Clym mutters and sits down on the ground with Skate.

After a fewmoments of organizing Skate starts to explain: "So the thicker,wider planks are the outsides and the narrower ones build the grid inthe middle."

Clym thinksfor a second and then points at a stack of planks and argues: "Butthose have the notches where they have to cross."

"Butwouldn't it be logically if the base would be wider than the grid?"Skate asks.

"But whyshould those notches be at the outside?" Clym asks back while Skatewas already organizing some of the planks.

What are youdoing now?" Clym wants to know from Skate.

Skate jumpsup on his feet and says: "Just go on and put lay them on the floorhow you'd built them and I'll show you why you're wrong."

Clym gets umhis feet too and starts putting four planks in a rectangle shape onthe floor.

"Right,that's what I wanted to do all along." Skate comments.

"Well thisis what I tried to explain to you." Clym says.

"No, youwere talking about notches or some shit." Skate argues.

Clym goes upto the two other piles of planks and picks up one from each pile.

"Thosenotches!" He says, points at a notch in one of the planks and thenputs the planks together at the notches so they fit togetherperfectly.

"How aboutI get the outline together and you can have your damn notches?"Skate suggests and Clym seconds that. So they quietly work side byside - well as quietly as it can be with Attila blaring in thebackground. And in the end they had put together a halfway decentshelf though it wasn't as sturdy as they had hoped it to be when theybought it.

"I think wedeserve ourselves some Pizza to celebrate." Skate says as he pushesthe shelf all the way to the wall.

"We can'torder food again." Clym complains.

"We totallycan, the question is if it would be a good idea." Skate argues.

"Yesterdaywe had Chinese and the day before that we had pasta." Clym notes,"We can't order food every day!"

"So whatelse should we eat then?" Skate asks.

"How aboutwe just make ourselves a nice salad?" Clym suggests.

Skate looksat his friend with his What-the-fuck-did-you-just-say-look and askshim: "Do I look like I'd wanna eat fucking rabbit food?"

"So suggestsomething better!" Clym exclaims with his hands up in defeat.

"I don'tknow. Let's just make frickin' Pannini or Sandwiches or somethinglike that." Skate says, clearly totally done with thisconversation.

"Good. Youwanna make food or you wanna do the dishes?" Clym tries to be fair.

"Neither,would be nice." Skate tries to talk himself out of it.

"That's nothow it works." Clym say, now regretting trying to be nice.

"Yeah, I'lljust do the damn dishes." Skate says and starts dragging his feetto the kitchen. While Clym runs around the kitchen getting all theingredients, Skate lets warm water flow into the sink.

Some minutespass and nothing really happens but then Clym asks for Skate to passhim the sponge that lies next to the sink. Immediately there's thisthought in Skate's head and he takes the sponge, drenches it withwater and dish soap and drops it in the back of Clym's shirt. Clymshrieks and turns around to see the sponge lying right in front ofhim.

"You suck."Clym hisses as he picks up the sponge. Skate and Clym stare at eachother for a few seconds until Clym squints his eyes and flings thesponge, that's still drenched in water and dish soap, in Skate'sface.

"Oh, you'llpay for that." Skate announces, takes a hand full of foam from thesink and rubs it into Clym's face.

This littleincidence snowballs into a full on foam fight until, when Skate hasClym pinned down on the ground, about to put the sponge in his face,Skate's phone vibrates. Skate gets up and sits on the counter top toread the message he just got.

"Somethingimportant?" Clym asks, trying to get up from the wet, slipperyfloor.

Skate playsthe audio message. It was Spark wanting to know if they'd still come.

"Is it thatlate already?" Clym wants to know.

"Yeah, it'salmost 9:15." Skate states.

"So shouldwe get ready?" Clym asks.

"Well ..."Skate looks down his shirt and around the room, "I'm soaked, I'dhave to shower before I'll leave the house." wringing the water ourof his shirt.

"So let'sstay in?!" Clym asks, leaving the decision up to Skate.

"Yeah,let's clean up this mess, finish the dishes. try to fix something toeat shower and maybe watch a movie?" Skate suggests.

Clym nodds:"Shower sounds good, movie sounds good but let's just order in."

Skate702 Und Clym OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now