Chapter: 1

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(A/N:    Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan, If I owned the Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus Books and Characters I probably wouldn't be writing fanfiction now would I?  btw this is my first PJO/HOO Story.)


               I watched as my Mother was murdered in front of me when I was 12. 

               I watched countless times as my friends were slaughtered before me throughout my life.

               I watch as my girlfriend... my wise girl.. is murdered in front if me by Gaea while I'm 20.

              My vision blurs and I sway, her limp form in my hands, I scream. I scream for all those who I lost to war. She can't be gone, actually gone, can she?

              I look down at her dull gray eyes, the eyes that stared passed me, never to actually see again...

              Gaia, SHE did this to me, to my friends, to my Wise Girl

              I snarled, Gaia will pay, she will pay for all that she has taken away from me. She sits idley, laughing histarically in the background.

              "Look, all of you worthless gods and demigods, LOOK, for your hero is Broken."

              All fighting stops, all eyes turn to me, most of them widen, horrified at what they see.

              I stood up. Feeling pure rage and power coursing through my bones, my skin, my blood, and my soul. Later, they would tell me that I was pulsing with power, eyes clearly broken, yet looking like they could actually see for the first time.

"You will pay DIRT FACE. YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME, MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS." my voice cracked, "my WISE GIRL." With that, I roared, racing towards her faster than I have ever ran before. her eyes widened, then she smirked.

              "HA. Stupid hero, you shall simply die just like the rest of your friends." she jeered. This angered me further. With one final push of my left foot, I sprang at Gaia, riptide infront of me. I slammed into her, and riptide went deep into her chest. She started to laugh, thinking that the earth would heal her... untill she realized that the pain wasn't going away... It was growing... I had liften Gaia off the ground into the air with water from the air. She started disintegrating.

              "WAIT, NO! YOU CAN NOT DEFEAT ME! I AM GAEA! ALL POWERFUL!!! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!" and finally her face dissolved. along with my resolve not to cry.

              I had defeated Gaia, but the cost was too high.

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