Just a book of my drawings and OCs, this is my first book, well not technically a book, but whatever , also if anyone wants to use any of my OCs for character ideas, I don't mind at all, just let me know your stories and I'll be happy to read them
Hey Neko here and I'm here to post some art of mah fav character from MCD and my street, and no I own own him, he belongs to Aphmau, so yea mah fav character is......*drumrolls* Zane Ro'Meave 😆 He is like the most awesome and most adorable little cupcake ever😆😆😆 I mean who doesn't 🤔, probably almost everyone loves him😄
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In the pic above I accidentally colored his pants a dark shade😐....oops all well, I still like it😅
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I drew him as a meif'wa in this one, and I even put a little bell on his tail, cause I thought it would look cute☺️
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I also like Pokémon, so I thought why not draw then as Pokémon hybrids, so I drew Zane as a black latios, I think he look cool 😄
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But pokemons that I love most are the eeveevolutions and I knew exactly what eevee evolution Zane would be, an Umbreon of course, don't you guys agree, and he's a shiny one as well, with blue eyes😆 I have many more favorite characters from the series, but Zane will always be mah most fav, so yea until next time, Neko signing out😉✌🏻️