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Seamus' POV

I lay in bed with a smile on my face. Just being in James' warm embrace made me feel safe. When ever I'm away from him, I seem to suffocate, not being able to breath without his love. My head rested up against his smooth chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart. I look up to see the calm face of my lover, fast asleep, soft snores coming from him.

I have never felt so much love for another person than this man that I'm with right now. Being this close to him, sends me into a state of happiness. My heart beats faster, my face turns scarlet red, and butterflies grow in my stomach when I hug or cuddle in his strong arms.

James was always there for me when I need him most. His warm eyes and bright smile drove me crazy every time. He was my everything, everything I could possibly ask for. My life without James would be torture, stressful, and painful. This man that I lay with, I would protect him with my life. I wouldn't dare to hurt James for as long as I live. One day, we'll make it to those church steps, settle down, and create a beautiful family.

I pushed my body closer to his, wanting to feel his comforting warmth, blocking out the cold. My legs were tangled with his under the bed covers as I left light butterfly kisses on his chest. I swear, this boy is perfect in every way possible.

My eyes finally shut, drifting off into a deep sleep full of dreams before hearing "I love you, Seamus" being whispered from my lover.



I need more practice with writing fluff. I do have to have to hand it to myself, I made an attempt to quick-start this book. Any-who, I hope you enjoyed this REALLY short chapter. I promise longer ones!!!!!

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See ya!


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