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July 20th, 709

Have I disappointed you? My failure as an heir, as a protégé, as a son; has it ashamed you? After all of your teachings, all of your hard work aimed at grooming me into being the cruelest and most vile being I could possibly be; have I truly failed you? The answer is simple, and if you're looking up at me from the fiery abyss of hell, then you know my next words to be true. I have failed you. I have betrayed your teachings and trust by favoring the enemy over myself. As hard as it is to be believe, our Heaven will be eradicated once and for all...

Jellal Fernandes

[• • • • •]

May 1st, 709
Meredy's POV

Soulless. That was the one and only word which could describe his eyes. They were devoid of curiosity, a typical trait of young men his age.

At a first glance, his chocolate brown eyes were barren, an icy wasteland. However, not even that was present. Those haunting eyes of his lacked even the cruel apathy of a dictator.

Even that would have been better than nothing.

In contrast to his dim-colored eyes, Lord Jellal's hair was a vivid blue, rivaling even the roaring oceans in such rich color. However, the striking feature seemed severely out of place. It was too bright, too...hopeful. Surely a darker color suited such a dismal and twisted character like himself.

I had silently entered the room only moments ago. Deciding to make my presence known, I spoke in a soft voice, attempting to hide my evident tremble of fear. "My lord."

Lord Jellal seemed to turn around unbearably slow, allowing me to become enveloped in chilling suspense. The bleak and austere atmosphere made standing in his presence even more insufferable.

Mustering up the courage to speak, the next few words came tumbling out of my mouth. "The attacks have gotten worse sir."

The powerful figure scoffed at my words. "Damn it all..." He muttered in a deep voice. Lord Jellal's disapproving tone sent unnerving fear racing down the my spine. Immediately, I sensed simmering rage.

"Tell me, Meredy," The daunting man started off, almost spitting out my name. "Is it, difficult, to follow an order?" His sharp, disapproving gaze pierced through my heart, forcing me to lower my head.

"N-no sir."

Lord Jellal sauntered carelessly towards me, his long cape flowing behind him. Frozen in fear's grasp, I remained helpless as the towering figure before me lowered his face down to my ear. "Then why are you in this room?"

His cold, deathly breath pushed me over the edge. My racing heart threatened to burst out at any minute. "I-I'm sorry sir," I frantically began to explain. "I just thought that you should know-"

I watched his face flare up with anger as he aimed a fatal blow to my head. I shrieked and quickly ducked, fearing for my life. Since I was low to the ground, I was currently at a tactical disadvantage.

His next blow wouldn't miss.

However, Lord Jellal remained still, almost as if an angel of death had taken his life that very moment, preventing him from doing his worst on me. If it weren't for his slowing, heavy breaths, I would've believed that to be true.

The blue haired man's fiery rage died, seemingly swallowed up by the darkness of the room. As if someone had flipped a switch, his signature cold demeanor returned. "Round up the rest of the guards. I want to solve this problem once and for all."

With a quiet rustle of his cape, the powerful man walked over towards the window. Deciding to oblige to his command, I bowed slightly and fled the dimly-lit room.

If there were ever a creature more haunting than the devil himself, it was Lord Fernandes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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