Warm Welcomes

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All of these characters an plot lines belong to JK Rowling, not me!! In this fanfic I have the Weasley twins come back to school half way through the year!
Please enjoy😄

(3rd person view)
Through the crisp yet foggy air of the English north in autumn emerged a slim girl dressed in a cozy jumper and black skinny jeans with golden brown hair spiraling through the cool breeze. She stepped on to the fractured steps of the odd yet inviting house. She politely knocks on the worn door and hears the sounds of bustling footsteps throughout the house. "Hermione!!!" Yells a familiar, welcoming voice as the bright light splashed onto the darkness of the twilight. "Mrs. Weasley! Is so nice to see you!" Hermione ecstatically said back. "Oh come in, come in" Molly Weasley said whilst urging a different 6th year Hermione Granger through the door and into the homely house that Hermione grew to love and now called her home, even though her muggle family lives pretty much in an entirely different parallel to this magical one. Once in Hermione, sees her closest friends Harry and Ron barge down the unsteady staircase. " ' mione! We didn't think you would make it! Glad you're back though" said a breathless  Ronald Weasley. "Hey Hermione, glad your back!" Joyously says Harry Potter. Hermione embraced both of them at once. She had missed them and this life so incredibly much. She said her hellos to the rest of the Weasley clan except for the twins whom she assumed were off at their prank shop down in Diagonally.

Everyone sat down for a surely delicious dinner, which still excluded the mischievous twins. 'Where on Earth could they be?' Hermione wondered,'I highly doubt that Mrs. Weasley didn't invite them to dinner'. Her thought was interrupted by an ear piercing boom from upstairs. Smoke and colorful sparks filled the upstairs staircase. " FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY YOU GET DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Furiously screamed Mrs. Weasley. The Weasley twins came downstairs looking sorrowful but quite proud of their disturbance. Covered in gunpowder and their hair spiked up, Fred and George Weasley were ready to take their mother's rant and punishment. But before Molly could start, the boys stoked up a conversation with Hermione. "Oh hey 'Mione. When did you get here? Mother, so rude for not telling us about are arrived guest. You know that's not very good hostess manners, don't you mum?" The twins talked 20 miles an hour taking turns sentence to sentence. They made Mrs Weasley flustered and confused. "I-I uhh didn't think you'd have much interest with Hermione being here, you were both so busy doing homework upstairs I didn't want to interrupt it" Mrs Weasley said in a muffled voice. "Wait a minute, what 'homework' do u have involving explosives? I highly doubt that's in the Hogwarts curriculum standards!"
"Well ah mum we are working on our new business that we told you about"...
And the bickering back and forth went on for at least another 10 minutes until Mrs Weasley saw Hermione and Harry looking uncomfortable. "Oh I'm sorry dears, this conversation should be happening in private, sorry to make you feel out of place" Mrs Weasley said in a sigh as she repositioned herself in her seat. Fred sat down next to Hermione while George sat next to Harry. Once dinner was finished they hurried up to their rooms and attempted to sleep. Tonight has been a whirlwind of family and fun for Hermione. The sounds of bickering from the Mrs Weasley and the twins made her laugh and the feeling of being back with Ron, Harry, and Ginny made her ecstatic. She had laughed listening to Fred's new prank shop ideas and offered educated opinions. As she thought back on the evening she passed out in a warm blanket and a joyous heart pumped through the night.

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