Moving Day

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It was finally the day where I left everything and everyone behind. Friends, family, school, all gone. I acted happy toward my family who decided it would be best to have a change of scenery and move to Canada. Canada, why Canada? What's so great about Canada? I guess the only best thing about Canada is that it's the homeland of Shawn Mendes, but that's it.

I packed the last bit of clothes into a box and took down my last Shawn poster and tuck it away safely without ripping it. I stood at the entrance of my room and sighed "I'm gonna miss this room". With one final glance I headed out the door and loaded my boxes into the moving truck.

I saw my mom sipping on her coffe waiting next to the garage for my dad. "Mom? Are you sad we are leaving New York?" I asked. "Yeah, but a new home in Niagara Falls will be great". I sighed, "I guess you're right". As I walked toward the truck I took one last glance toward my house and got in the back of the truck cab. I waited for my mom and dad to finish loading the truck and get in. My dad opened the door and got in along with my mom. "This is it, we are finally leaving" my dad said. I took one last look at the old house as the truck drove off.

I put in my headphones and listened to my playlists on the long drive to Niagara Falls. After a few stops and hours of driving we made it to our new house. It was bigger than our old house and looked more modern. "This is it Cieara, our new home" said my mom smiling as she hugged me tightly.

"It's big" I said. I took out the boxes from the truck and placed them in the house through the front door. Before leaving the house to grab more boxes, I looked through the mirror which had been kept in the house. I combed my fingers through my thick brown hair adjusting the position it was in. I had also inspected my face for any crumbs from a brownie I had eaten earlier. "All clean" I said smiling at my reflection.

I headed outside to grab the last of my boxes. I glanced over at the house next door to find some blonde locks peeking above the hedges. I shrugged and continued to grab the last bit of boxes that were labeled "Cieara" on them. I stacked the three boxes on top of another and balanced them so they wouldn't topple over. Clumsy old me lost balance of the boxes and the top box fell off. "Fuck" I cussed as I went to place the boxes down to pick the fallen box up. Before I placed the boxes down, the boy whos golden locks I seen appeared behind me and picked up the box. "Thought you might have needed some help" he said as he held it while smiling at me. "I don't need your help" I said. "put the boxes on top of these and I'll go on with my day" I continued. "Oh, ok, I'm sorry" he said trying to hide his blushing face in embarrassment. "Oh you Canadians are so.... Apologetic" I complained. "Sorry" he smirked. "The names Daniel" he said rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

Daniel looked to be about 19 years old with an unshaven yet devilishly handsome face with sea blue eyes, and I was only 18. "Cieara, my name is Cieara. Nice to meet you Daniel" I said. "I better put these boxes down before my arms fall off" I giggled. "Ok" he responded. I put the boxes in my room and saw my parents smiling at me. I looked at them with a puzzled face "What?" I asked. "We saw you with that boy outside" my mom said with the biggest smile on her face. My face flushed red and I tuck my hair behind my ear and looked away "so?" I sassed. "I think he likes you Cieara" my dad said. "How can he like me? We literally just met and spoke for 2 minuets!" I said with embarrassment. "Oh come on, didn't you see the look in his eyes? He was definitely into you" my mom assured. "whatever" I said trying not to smile.

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