Part I

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Joey walked through the door and hung up his coat on the rack, the house smelled of raspberry champagne and soft cologne. He yelled into the near empty house with a gentle smile,
"I'm byaaack!"
With that, he heard the rattle of the stairs with the tapping footsteps of his lover coming to greet him. ReportOfTheWeek welcomed him with a warm embrace, standing slightly on his toes to accommodate Joey's taller stature.
"I have a surprise for you, Joseph," he whispered into Joey's ear with light breath. He took his hand and lead him into the kitchen, handing him a glass of the champagne he'd caught a hint of earlier.
"My favorite," stated Joey, "or as Luke Skywalker would say; do they have the- I want the- Give me the raspberry champagne. Me and Chewy want the raspberries, we like the bubbles.
What's the occasion?" ReportOfTheWeek promptly removed his button down, slowly letting it fall of his body, only his tie left on his bare chest. Joey set down his glass, staring eagerly at ReviewBrah's frail body.

"Let's check this out," he whispered. Their mouths met tenderly, and ReviewBrah's hand went straight down to below Joey's belt. "You're quite sizable in nature, aren't you?" he breathed.
ReportOfTheWeek, not wanting to waste any time, unbuckled Joey's belt and got on his knees. He couldn't wait any longer.
"Going in."

He dove into Joey's chorizo like it was the last thing he'd ever do. Joey let out little yelps and groans, ReviewBrah doing a better job handling his meat than he'd remembered. "W...Woo woo woo woo..." he breathily moaned. Within minutes, Joey couldn't keep himself under control and busted his sauce. "It looks like Burger King isn't the only one who uses too much mayo," ReviewBrah said.

That night, both food connoisseurs went to bed feeling content. Cuddled up next to one another, ReviewBrah was suddenly startled awake by another one of Joey's night terrors. "She told me she was 18! She told me she was 18!" he was tossing and turning, ReviewBrah could feel his body heating up. He tried to shake Joey awake to no avail. This was the third night this week he's had those dreams, all ReviewBrah wished he could do was console him. She told him she was 18.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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