"Last Performance for Love: Eros and Agape"

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Victor requested to Yuri and Yurio to take him to the skating rink. The two seems hesitant at first but leave them no choice but to follow Victor.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Yuri asked Yurio but Yurio didn't answered him. Yuri saw Yurio carefully watching Victor as he walk in front of them. He saw how happy Victor is while walking. He even heard him as he hums a familiar melody
"Are you familiar with the melody?" Victor then looked back to them and fixed his eyes to Yurio.
"It's....... it's the music I used when I won the junior division and asked you to make my senior debut program"
Victor smiled at him "I wonder how I remember it till now?"
Yurio was shocked and hold his breath to prevent himself from crying. The fact that Victor remembered that tiny moment they have few years back makes his heart pound so hard. 'Why remembering it now?' he asked himself
"I'm sorry for not making any program for your senior debut but I am proud of your development and how you've matured Yurio. I am proud." Victor smiled at him. The genuine smile he usually wear every time. Yurio looks back and hide his face on his hoodie and said "I know! I've improved it's because of you!" Yurio said while shedding his tears.

They made their way to the rink and assist victor as he enter there. He tried to skate his winning piece and tried reminiscing his moment. The moment that he's still strong enough and confident that he will surprise everyone.

Yuri skates the program Victor thought as his winning piece on the grand Prix final. "I love how this piece made me as a whole!" he shouted out. He knows he can't pull the quadruple flips while shouting because his whole gesture is disturbed but he wanted to shout out how he feels "I STILL WANTED TO KNOW MORE FROM VICTOR! I WANTED TO LEARN MORE." he continued.

Yurio was flustered but made a quadruple flip and skate in front of Victor "I always love how you inspire me! You promised a program for me and yet you forgot it and coached this piggy! But it made me mature and stronger! Despite of not reaching that very goal I had since few years back you still inspire me! Please continue be my inspiration Victor! I will win the next Grand Prix and take home the medal for you. I will put this piggy into slumps the next time we face each other" he then moved on and skate his steps away as he flips and drown himself into the melody.

"You guys really love me!!! I'm so happy! You know how I love skating and how I love you both! Both my Yuris are precious to me." Victor said with an energetic smile. He then skate for his last flip and successfully pulled it off. The two Yuris are amazed but then the amazement suddenly changed as Victor slumps out of the icy floor- barely unconscious

They made their way through him and asked him if he's okay
"I'm okay you don't have to worry about me. "He then laughed "I am guessing that the rink is starting to reject me though no fair!" he kid around.

"Ah!!! I wanted to skate more" Victor said and stand by himself. He pouts his lips and shouts "I love this sport! I love this rink! I love how you made me remember great things while I still remember it clearly!"
"Who are you thanking for?" Yurio asked
"Kami-sama!! The kami-sama of skating, the kami-sama of pork katsudon"

The two Yuris laughed out loud. And smiled at Victor.

Victor breaths heavily and made his way to the two Yuris. He grabbed each of them with his free arm and hug them "I am so proud of you two. Please skate for me more" He was barely heard because the voice he released became weaker. Both Yuris just looked at each other with their sorry eyes. They wanted to cry they really do. But they wanted to make this day as special as any other day.

Both of them released themselves and face Victor.
"VICTOR!!! WE WILL NOW COMMENCE THE COMPETITION! "They shouted out in chorus!

"Ehhh????" Victor reacted "But the competition is in two day--"

"We want it now. We want for this competition of Eros and Agape to be as special as possible. We will going to skate for you. We will going to fight and show our performance only for you!" Yuri said

The shocked on Victor's face cannot be compared to anything else. He was shocked yet happy. "Well then. I will now judge your performance today let's begin the COMEBACK OF LOVE: EROS AND AGAPE!" Victor shouted out and made his way out of the rink together with Yuri.

He watched as Yurio performs swiftly. His grace and posture changed a lot. And Victor is proud the performance is a perfection. He is watching him closely.
"Victor thank you" Yuri muttered
"Thanks to you too Yuri. You made each other stronger and better. You will gonna take the throne from me but instead of feeling bad I am honored that the two Yuris I know and loved will be legends that will inspire the next generation of skaters. I will watch over you both. I will try to guide you even if I'm not on your side. I will always be in your heart and you two will always be in mine" He smiled.

The swift performance ends and they saw Yurio shedding his tears.
"You really are such a baby. I thought you matured now" Victor kid around and tap Yurio's head.

"Hey piggy it's your turn!"

"Surprise me once more Yuri!" Victor shouts and wave. Yuri nods and the music starts

Yuri indulge himself into the music. He remembered himself as a failure for a skater but then Victor went to him and coached him. Many challenges occurred but that didn't stop Victor for guiding him. He also remembered the question Victor asked when they first practicing the theme of Eros and Agape 'What is your definition of love?' before it was the pork katsudon but now? He realized that the true definition of love for him now is skating and Victor. He made himself clear on that. He is thankful to meet such a legend.

"I am so proud Yurio. Please tell Yuri that he made me fall in love with his performance again" Victor smiles while watching Yuri.
Yurio looked at Victor as he closed his eyes. The smile on his lips is still engraved but he wonders why Victor said such a thing. --he is peaceful. But then he remembered 'That piggy win again'

Yuri was done on his performance and made his way back. Saw Yurio crying out loud.
His eyes was fixed on Yurio while trying to figure out what made him say that and then he looked where Victor is. He is still sitting there -eyes closed but the smile is still there.
"V....Victor???" he called out but Victor didn't respond nor move a little. WHY? He asked himself.
"Yurio... what happ----"
Yurio grabbed him and hug him tight. He is crying like a baby. Yuri is still trying to figure out what happened.

"Yurio get off! Why Victor isn't moving????" Yuri asked in panic. His heart pounds fast and it hurts at the same time. His mind is in a total disaster as he is trying to figure it out himself since Yurio didn't say a thing

He then realized it now. That Victor leave them for good. He leave him while still performing the piece he is practicing just for him. "HE DIDN'T LET ME FINISH DAMN IT!!" He was shocked as he heard himself cursing. His heart is like tearing apart his mind is blank yet pounding like crazy. He can't control his tears and both of them sobs in front of Victor.
"Victor!!" They both shouted out.


©Legendary Girl-A 2016

haihai I based everything on the first few episodes especially their very first battle. Yaaas I killed him already OMG- coz I still don't have a proper basis on every scenario and it's just a fan fiction. Don't hate me please. I ALSO LOVE VICTOR 💕. I just wanted to share this because I'm proud that I made it directly from our chatroom- they want angst on this anime so I made one huehue and now that I read it - ghad it really is hurt af GDI. Saia Why? LOLOLOL . I know and understand that it's still rough around the edges I know it more than you do ppl but I will do my best to improve everything from the plot to the grammar construction etc.

I have so much to offer I'm just gonna wait for the other episodes to be release hahaha

or maybe other anime will do.lololol bye

PS. I guess this is my comeback. Lololol haha yeah I'm already working my novels out! J


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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