I can't be pregnant.

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A little blue plus sign.

I sat straight down on the edge of the tub and dropped the stick to the ground. Burying my face in my hands, I inhaled deeply and slowly breathed out of my nose. 

“Mum, I have something to tell you.” I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the counter...

“Congratulations, you're having a girl!” The doctor smiled and handed over the gritty black-and-white pictures of my baby.

“Piper, you need to give up this baby. There is no way you can support her when you can't even support yourself.”

“Happy 16th birthday, Piper!”

I woke all of a sudden to a massive pain in my belly. Then it happened… my water broke. 

“Happy birthday, little one.” I kissed her sweet little head with an immense sadness filling my chest, knowing in my heart that giving her up would be the best option for us both.

I handed her over to her new, older, more responsible parents. This was the hardest thing I had ever done. 

Goodbye Charlie. Have a good life with your new parents.

I jolt awake, shaking and sweating. Collapsing back onto my bed, I sigh and run my fingers through my hair

This is the second time this week that I have had the same dream. Taking a glance at my clock, I groan internally. 3:38 a.m. There are still 2 hours and 7 minutes left of sleep time, but I don’t know if I will be able to fall back asleep after this. 


“Charlie, you need to get up if you plan to look presentable for your flight,” my mother yells up the stairs, instantly waking me from my slumber. I managed to fall asleep after all.

Swiping an arm across my tired eyes, I stumble out of bed, Lana Del Rey blasting through the room.

A lot of things happened over the summer. I turned 17, my all-girls school has finally allowed boys to attend, and my boyfriend of a year, Jonas, is attending with me this year. It’s weird, but I’m actually excited for school to begin.

My parents are filthy rich, and because they want me to receive the best education possible, they send me to a well-known private school in America called Bridgewood Academy. It’s a high school unlike any other—everyone lives on campus, and the place itself is like a luxury resort. Despite all the extravagance, though, the education provided is actually stellar and the school produces several top scholars every year.

Normally, I travel to America via my family’s private jet, but this time I’m going by normal airplane as my dad’s off on a business trip and needs the jet. To be honest, I don’t really mind—I like being surrounded by people. Flying in the private jet gets lonely sometimes.

To please both of my parents and to ease their worry I have agreed to ride in first class. I know, right now you’re probably thinking “this girl doesn’t even appreciate what she’s given!” Well, you don’t know me. I do appreciate everything my parents give me, really. But it’s my life, after all.

Anyway, I return home every other weekend and on holidays on the private jet. I guess I’m a lucky girl.

“Good morning, Mum.” I walk cheerfully into my mother’s office and kiss her on the cheek, noting the shiny new brass plaque that sits on her desk. It reads ‘Alice Jacks’. Another gift from her client, I bet.

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