The Unconventional Meeting

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It was raining. Life seemed to be at the lowest point you have ever faced. Your bills were piling up and you knew you had come to the end of your rope. Pulling your flimsy sweater tighter around your body to cover your scandalously clad self you drop to the ground holding your knees to your chest and let the tears start to fall. Taking off your heels and throwing them with a weep.

"Why are you crying?" a voice ask you. You look up at the man shielding your eyes from the rain. Noticing his tall height you stand up. Your tear stricken eyes widen in surprise at how attractive this man is.

Your lips quiver "Who... Who are you?"

He sirks and takes off his jacket and places it around your shoulders and going to retrieve your heels you cast aside.

Getting down on one knee he helps you put your shoes back on. "My name is Chanyeol" he introduces himself. Chanyeol stands back up to his full height. He clears his throat and sweeps back his silver hair while shaking out a couple of rain drops. "I'm just going to ask you again. Why are you crying?" His steel eyes stare confidently into yours.

"I well... My brother has cancer and I'm the only one left to take care of him and the medical bills are too much and I just want to care for him." You break off and take a breath to continue. "I was trying I know shamefully to sell myself, but I'm not attractive enough. I-I"

Chanyeol places a finger against your lips to stop you from speaking.Wiping away a stray tear with his thumb he then cups the side of your face.

"Your mine now." Grabbing your hand he drags you to his car where his driver is waiting. The whole ride to his apartment you are silent struck with shock and confusion as to what just happened. The next thing you know the car is pulling up to a fancy looking apartment building. "Come with me." Chanyeol says practically dragging you out the car and through the lobby and into the elevator up to his suite apartment.

Unlocking his door he pulls you in and sets you in the living room. Which is decorated much like one would expect a bachelor pad to look like. You stand in the middle of his living room dripping wet in silence as he stares at you with a steely gaze. You look down and play with the hem of his damp jacket. Chanyeol says something that you didn't catch. "I-I-I'm sorry I didn't catch what you said."

He growls in annoyance. "I said what is your name." He states not really asking.

Stuttering you tell him your name. "My name is Monet." He grins in satisfaction.

"Monet huh? Nice name now strip." You stare in shock at the demanding manner of this man. "Are you deaf woman I bought you. I can send the text right now putting 1 million into your bank account for your brothers treatment. In fact it's now completed." He grins after tapping the screen of his phone. You stare open mouthed at the man in front of you. Snapping out of it when you feel the buzz by you hip. Pulling out your phone you see the confirmation of the money deposited into your account for your brothers treatment.

Knowing you don't have a choice you unzip his coat and strip yourself of your flimsy sweater leaving you in the revealing dress. He growls at the slow pace and uses his incredulously long legs to stride up to you placing both hands on the front of your dress. You gasp at the warmth of his large hands. He grins maliciously and rips the only dress you own right down the middle leaving you in your underwear. Completely in shock you attempt to cover yourself with your hands.

Annoyed yet again Chanyeol rips your hands away from your body and presses you against the wall with your hands held above your head. You start to shed a couple of tears in fear. Chanyeol sneers. "What's wrong, love?" You flinch at the way Chanyeol said the last word. There wasn't a single ounce of gentleness in the way he said it.

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