Smutty Oneshot

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Hey, people who clicked on this story!  I'm the type to read these lemon fanfictions, and especially Victuri fanfics. One day I was bored and thought, "Hey why the hell don't I make a fanfic myself?", and here I am. This is my first watt-pad fanfic/book/ , so hope you like it!

Yuri was chin-deep in the steaming pool of water.
The hotness had engulfed him and had relaxed his muscles to the point in which he sighed deeply. It was mesmerizing onto how he had made it this far.

How Viktor had chosen him as he skated to Eros. How he had come so far away from Russia because of "his" video. With Victor as his coach and weeks of practice he had given it his all in the competition.

That hard work had payed off as the memory of the reflection of his own face in the silver second place medal he held in his hands, crowds cheering and photos snapping around him came to his mind. The feeling of wrapping his arms around the man who was his savior, Viktor.


None of this would've happened without Him. Viktor had been an optimizing, supportive coach, not analyzing and scolding him every second.

Along with his determined attitude and humorous ways, you could say he was very flirtatious.

From the time he'd held Yuri by chin, breaths hovering atop of eachother to the time he had pulled apart his legs and body into a rather...naughty position, as shown by the startled men outside.

The ashy haired man had taken over his mind with a red blush when suddenly an alarming splash of water hit behind him.

Opening his wide eyes, Yuri turned and was suddenly nose to nose with the Russian man himself. Speak of the devil, he thought to himself.

Hazy torquise eyes met wide dark hazel ones as they collided full-force, sending both back in the water.

Of course, this scared the living shits out of Yuri and they both swam back to the top. After getting to surface on the tiled ground, Yuri didn't waste any time analyzing Viktor with wide eyes.

It's obvious he's drunk, Yuri thought to himself. I bet He can't walk a step without tumbling. Should I help hi- Yuri's thoughts soon came to an end as he felt a huge body stand atop of his own accompanied by a very hard bulge against his stomach.

Immediately turning beet red, he started to trip over his words, shutting his eyes closed. It didn't help that he could feel the steamy breath on his already tingly skin.

Even worse, (or should I say better yet) two muscly arms trapped Yuri to the floor of the sauna.

He was subjected to the piercing yet lustful eyes that had goosebumps rippling through his skin.

Mouth slightly parted, Yuri couldn't find the words to express himself. Instead he mumbled through his ajar lips,"Uh-u-um Vi-vi-Viktor?"

Not responding, Viktor targeted his eyes towards his lips. As if in a trance, Yuri's eyes fell on the others lips. Viktor let out a slight moan as he recollected his thoughts, taking over the other's stark naked body.

Yuri almost choked as he caught Viktor in nothing but some sweatpants, soaked in the pool water. In a swift movement, Viktor bit Yuri's lower lip, almost nibbling on it.

Yuri gasped, unconsciously granting the older man permission to his mouth. Tongues quickly entangling, Yuri fell into the kiss, tasting hints of wine and blackberries, and remains of the katsudon bowl they had shared over dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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