Thou shalt not lie.

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Liars are bad people. Liars will be punished. Liars are a disgrace to society. Liars should not even exist. Really? Is lying really the worst thing that could ever happen to humanity? Because, I am sure there are plenty of worse things that could potentially happen. Like Trump becoming president. RIP America, by the way. Anyway, my point is that even though lying theoretically might seem like a very bad thing, but if you think about it, it is just like saving your loved ones from information that could potentially do nothing but hurt them. If you look at it like that, you are actually doing the world a favor. Well, thank you.

For example, does my mother really need to know that I actually just go to the gym and listen to songs and do nothing and come back while she thinks that I actually worked out? Nah. Hurts no one. Or does my sister need to know that I actually ate that extra chocolate that I told her fell down. Doesn't hurt anyone. So let me just go out there and tell the world, that I lie. Okay, I do.

So now that I have proclaimed why I am going to hell, let me also tell you about the first time that I ever lied. The first time that I remember lying is when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade and I was super jealous of the kids that used to eat awesome junk in the school canteen. I wanted to do that too. So once I told my mom that our school was collecting money for a school field trip, that was in fact free and that my mom had to give me some extra cash. Now it isn't like the amount was so huge or that it would make my mom bankrupt if I ate at the canteen one day, it is just that my mom has always been a health freak.

Now thinking of something like that feels stupid and even if I probably told my mother about it, she would laugh it off. Now I can go on and on for pages about how many times I have ever lied and I would probably be friendless at the end of it. That is the thing with lying. If I had to talk about what I think of people who have never lied in their life ad have always spoken the truth then I am sure they would be the loneliest people in the planet. Truth hurts people. Lies, especially smart and well thought out lies, never hurt people.

I am not even referring to lies covering illegal things. Like don't go murder someone and then lie about it. But if something is very much legal and moral to you, then other people don't necessarily need to know about it. Just dig a hole and bury yourself in it. There was a time in my life when I used to self-harm. No one other than the people I have told about this know. Not even my parents. Are you telling me I should be a "good" person and tell her about it? What about the fact that I tried starving myself at a point?

I have stopped all of that and I have become a better person in my own eyes and that is all that matters. I have come a long way since my suffering and I do not owe anyone the truth because I know it will only crush them. I am happy having buried lies in my own depression pit, if that makes my mom's day better. I will live with the title of a liar.

There are things worse than lying in the world and I for one, am not afraid to admit that. I lie, and a lot of people lie, and it's okay. Unless you lie about not being a serial killer, but yeah.

XX I keep asking people to tell me what they think about my writing honestly, but I think it will be fun to ask you to lie about what you think about me XD xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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