Oh man, what a day. too much crying, too much drama. I sit by myself in science class and all my other classes. it's not like I want to, I hate being alone but I also hate being around people who will just stab me in the back when I'm not looking, it happened to me a lot of times. too many times if you think about it and I rather die and sit alone than have that happen again. I am strong but I always have to remind myself that I break but there was that one day that I forgot to tell myself not to cry as hard as it might get and it happened. sitting alone in science class and I start crying after thinking too much and there goes the fakes coming to ask me what's wrong like they have no clue, but there was one girl in the room who wasn't fake and she did care but I didn't tell her everything that was on my mind. I forget about it all after school and i walked home with headphones in my ears, then I go home to watch some anime. I start over thinking again, and I tried to take my mind off my problems by doing something. there I saw a pencil and a stack of papers and I grabbed the pencil and started drawing without thinking. the next think I knew, there was a beautiful sketched out girl, her eyes were blank and she had angel wings. I drew what my hands told me and from that moment, I knew my life will become something someday.