Deep Sea Girl

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A push, a shove and then they left me.
As I slowly sunk I made a wish, I looked up at the sky that was now splotched with blue and white.
A deep feeling I felt in my body,
That told me I was going to be alright.

500 feet below sea level
I could somehow still breathe
But I still had a deep feeling in my body
That told me I was going to be alright

What felt like 5 hours later
I still hadn't hit the bottom
My hair looked as if it had been dyed blue now
For being in that water for so long
But I still had a deep feeling in my body
That told me I was going to be alright

By now I should have run out of breath
For it was night now
But still I was breathing
For 12 hours now
But I still had a deep feeling in my body
That told me I was going to be alright

I fell into a sleep at one point in my falling
I curled up into a ball hugging myself hoping to get rid of this sinking feeling
Slowly though, as I sunk, less and less would I get the feeling
That I was going to be alright

I woke up to light streaming into my face,
The light? The light, the light was here
I looked up, I was so close to the surface.
How did I get here? How did this happen?
Only the feeling that I had in my body
Knew that this was going to happen

So excited I was going to burst
This deep sea girl was going to be free
I reached my hand up out of the sea
But my hand just sank back down
As if there were a glass wall there
Was it going to be alright?

As my body slowly sunk so did my hope
Back to the bottom that takes forever
For another 12 hours I go
It would be alright

I felt so cold not because of the water
Scared and afraid for once in this blue murky water
I decided to take another chance to close my eyes
And hopefully find myself at the bottom
Because it would never again be alright...

I woke up what felt like hours from them
The light woke me once again
I was at the top
For once I wished it would stop
I realized I'd rather be at the bottom
But knowing my hand couldn't go up
I placed it on the surface
If only I wasn't so dumb...
but then, when all was lost I heard someone coming
At first it was just a shadow but it grew bigger every moment
I was so excited but then I stopped
The realization came to me,
The reason I was here in the first place
Why I was stuck
Why I was here for as long as I was
Thinking about that...
I curled up into a ball and fell asleep
Because I was not alright

This time the light was brighter when it came
It was so warm and delightful
The water was now clearer then ever before
I forgot for a second,
So I reached my hand up, only for it to be rejected
But this time the light shone brighter
I touched the barrier again and the light shone brighter and brighter each time
Maybe hope does exist I thought to myself with cheer
I touched the top a few times more
The light growing bigger and bigger
After I while I punched the top with determination
I hadn't looked at my progress in a while
I looked up
Only to see
A small crack, so small you could barely see
I sighed and looked at the ocean around me
I looked closely at the top and I could see myself,
I had changed, my once light hair was now a deep blue and my green eyes were stained the color of the water
The black dress I had been wearing was tattered and torn
I reached up to touch myself in the reflection and in surprise something grabbed my hand
I looked up past the reflection to see someone looking back at me
They reached a second hand past the barrier indicating for me to grab it
With relief I grabbed it smiling for the first time in what felt like months
They pulled me up and past the barrier so my surprise I came right up
It was night time, so it was hard to see that it was a boy looking at me
I was drenched with my new blue eyes and hair
But he hugged me tight and I hugged him back
Then he took a step back with tears down his face
I smiled at him with relief of being back the the world above
"Where have you been?" He cried
I just pointed down finding it was hard to speak.
"It's been 5 years..."

Deep Sea GirlWhere stories live. Discover now