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One day it so dark even when sunshine rose on it. There came a little boy.

Curious of the world he ventured into something he would soon regret.

The boy didn't know what he was about to do that would change his life forever.

So he came to a school not knowing what was about to happen.

Than he met this girl and couple other ppl who were friendly by the looks and sounds of it.

Though this was the beginning of a long harsh life ahead of him.

So after 5 days things got more interesting. Ppl towards the boy got even interesting but not in the fun way.

Ppl towards the boy started making fun of him. Calling him names and making fun of him everyday.

He felt lost and confused plus mostly annoyed. He was curious to know why.

So he went around asking Ppl why they do what they are doing. They said because ur weird etc.

It got worse as time went on. The name calling got worse. Than threats started happening later on in the boys life in junior high and got even worse as he went to High Schools and eventually university.

So the boy eventually got fed up. He didn't like much Ppl again. Felt as if nobody understood him etc.

He ended up leaving most Ppl in his life who used and abused him etc calling him their friend at first.

Made a bunch of new friends. Some still were mean etc so he left them too after awhile.

Anyway after all this happened the boy left all haters of his etc. Made a new life for himself.

Now he is trying to get help. Figure out if he had a problem or something wrong with him.

To Be Continued.

Part 2: as the young boy tried and tried to look for a way out of his he'll life. He kept ed struggling and falling down. Though looking back always he did until he turned 19.

Now that boy is 19 and dated many girls. He gained more experience and knowledge and also got power.

He gained one of the most wonderful power that comes from Kwloedge. One was Wisdom and another was courage.

So he became a more timid person. He was a Ying and Yang type guy now.

Though sadly with great power. Comes greater responsibleility. Knowing this awhile after. He quit university after completing all his school years at high school but more like hell/stupid school.

Anyway as time went on. The boy grew with more beauty and grace. Though that too came with a cost as well. He learned that everything in the world isn't free. Not even the free stuff sometimes but it depends what u do and buy etc.

So as he grew. He lost a lot of friends to jealously and rage plus love and lust etc.

Ppl made fun of him more. Called him bitch, Slut, wore etc all from the slander book for dummies and experts too lol.

Anyway he took that all with him too. It made him really weak but also more strong. As he learned his weaknesses of course etc.

Well that's it for this part. To be continued yet again. Dun dun dunnnnnnn!!!! Enjoy it so far. I hope u all are.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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