The Unsolved Crime

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I peered out my window… afraid I would see someone staring right back at me. I had that nauseous feeling again; it came from the pit of my stomach and spread all through my body. I knew he was watching me, I could feel it. Somewhere out there he was watching my every move, stalking me. I needed to go to work, but I couldn’t leave the house. I felt like if I left the house he would find me and he would kill me just like he did to his other victims. You’ve probably heard about them right? The people he’s abducted in the middle of the night, people who are still “missing” to this day. And I already knew that I was next on his kill list. I would have to leave sooner or later; maybe I should call my friend and have her pick me up. He couldn’t touch me if I was other people right? So that’s what I did, I called up Sierra and asked if she would go to the grocery store with me. So in about an hour she showed up and I went to food lion got what I needed and then we went back to the house. I should be good for about a month now. After dinner she left and that feeling came back, that feeling you get when you go down a hill on a rollercoaster, except it wasn’t there for three seconds, it stayed. It stayed all through the night, I couldn’t sleep. Not until I figured out who the hell was watching me. I tried to close my eyes, but that didn’t work out for me because when I fell asleep nightmares woke me right back up, nightmares of my abduction and murder that would soon come. You see the thing about the other people was that they didn’t know it was coming; it just popped up out of nowhere in the middle of the night. But really it didn’t, they were just too ignorant to notice. It really sucks actually, because I think I’d rather die not knowing I was supposed to than live like this. But with so many sleepless nights finally catching up to me I finally slept, and I slept through the night. That is, until I heard loud banging coming from the front door. I slowly sat up and decided to stay in bed and not worry about it, the banging eventually stopped, so I laid back down, but a couple minutes later I heard footsteps, loud, powerful, slow footsteps coming down her hallway. I shot up and sprinted to the door, locking it then sprinted back to bed grabbing my pistol on the way. This could be it; this could be the moment where I face my stalker. I snuggle into Lucky and hold my breath. The doorknob jiggles, and then stops. Then louder banging ensues. I knew what I had to do; I quickly dialed 911 and spoke as quietly as possible, hoping he wouldn’t hear me.

 “911 what’s your emergency?”

“There’s someone in my house, please send someone quickly please.”

“Help is on the way, now I need you to stay calm.”

“Okay thank you”

Ten minutes later the door knob is still jiggling trying to be opened, when I hear the cops

“Open up, it’s the police!”

The sound of wood splintering cracker through air and I hear three sets of footsteps come rushing down the hallway. Then gun fire. Lots and lots of gun fire. Then, silence.

There is no silence louder than this, the anticipation of who is still out there and who may or may not be dead.

I slowly get out of bed and inch my way towards the door, pointing my pistol I unlock it slowly and swing open the door. The scene in front of me is horrendous. Blood is splattered on the walls and there is no sign of anyone living. In front of me are two dead cops and an unidentified person. So where did the third cop go? I slowly step down the hallway, turning on the lights on in every room in the house, looking for the missing cop. I start getting close to the door when I hear footsteps. My eyes shoot up and I point my gun ready to pull the trigger. Who I see, is not a surprise. It’s the third cop covered in blood.

“What happened?”

“He had a gun; he shot my partners so I shot him. Multiple times.”

“Do you know who he is?”

“He is a criminal, he is known for abducting his victims and raping them, the killing them. I believe you were his next victim.”

“I knew it, I had this feeling, this nauseous feeling, and I was right.”

The next day, it’s all over the news. The end of a nightmare, prayers of the victims’ families finally answered, the end of a line of serial murders.

People are treating me like a hero, but I certainly don’t feel like one. People died because of me, because I couldn’t kill him myself. I should’ve died last night; I should’ve just let him come in and killed me like it was supposed to happen.

But it’s too late for that, because the real killer was already on to his next victim... A young teenage girl in the next town over was just raped and found hung in her closet.

But I guess the crime is never truly solved.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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