chapter 1: Serendipity at my door

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Rin sat at his desk, listening to Yukio lecture him after class. The fact that they lived together only made it worst. He was sure to get another scolding back at the dorms. Tuning out from his brother's lecture, he moved his gaze to the little blonde girl. She was practically bouncing on the spot. He made a mental note to ask her why she was so hyper today and switched his attention back to his brother.

" Putting that matter to the side, I won't be back tonight to eat dinner so you don't have to make my portion."

Pushing his glasses up, he looked at Rin and continued.

"Apparently a  transfer student is coming to school and I'm in charge of her. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone Rin."

Huffing at his brother, Rin scowled. Although he knew Yukio would be angry, he had planned to sneak up on him while he talked to the new student. I mean, Yukio's not the only who wants a new friend. Watching as his brother walked out of the classroom, he glanced at the blonde, beckoning her to come over.

" What? You haven't heard? That new singer is coming here! To this school!"

Shiemi squealed in delight, she couldn't wait to meet her. That new singer that everyone was talking about. Rin looked at her and shrugged. So that was the new transfer student huh? It would be a lie to say he wasn't interested.


The silver car stopped in front of True cross academy. (Name) Sighed and rest her head on the palm of her hand, staring out the window.Rain has always made her have this indescribable feeling. Yeah, it was her favourite scene. Before she became a singer, before she had a goal, she used to sit with her family and watch the rain fall, occasionally, snow would fall. 

As her chauffeur stepped out of the car and opened the door for her, she was greeted with cheers from the students in the school. What are they doing out here? Its raining, they'll catch a cold.

Looking around, she sees all her fans drenched, head to toe, standing in the rain.

" Everyone, You should head back in to the school .You'll get sick if you stay out here!"

Concerned laced her voice as she motioned them to go back in, only to be ignored by her fans.

" ah! She's worried about us!"

Shaking her head, she whispered to her bodyguard, to make them go back in. 

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she turned around. Accidentally knocking into someone. The pain only lasted for a few seconds. She felt something light fall on her nose. Glasses? These are.. glasses? Looking up she stared at the man above her. Blushing profusely, she tried to get up only to knock her forehead against his. 

"Ouch... Oh sorry!"

Getting up from above her, the boy stretched his hand towards her, offering to help her up. She took his hand and dust herself off, bowing as an apology.

" I'm really sorry!"

He shook his head and assured her that it was ok. Although the red mark on his head said otherwise. Picking up his glasses, she handed them to him with a smile.

" Here, i believe this is yours"

The glasses had fallen perfectly onto her face, making him blush sightly. Deciding to start the tour of the school, he took his glasses and placed it back onto his face.


" And that concludes the tour. If you have any questions come to me, OK? Oh and heres your dormitory. You'll live separately from the other students due to you being a celebrity. Unfortunately, we only have one spare dorm, so you will have to share it."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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