Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.
Today is Rabiul Awwal 9, 1433H.
When things are wrong, you look at others and compare your self to them. You think of how screwed and messed up your life is, and how perfect their's is. You do that, don't you? You want to be like them, always smiling, laughing and having fun.
But do we ever think about the killing in the other country?
Or the people that have to sleep with one eye open because the are scared?
The bloodshed? The injured? The orphan child?
Never thought of it like that.
Do we ever think about how lucky we for:
Both eyes to see,
Both hands to hold,
Both feet to walk,
A nose to smell,
A mouth to chew, talk, and eat.
No, we do not.
How about:
The different clothes we wear everyday?
The food we have everyday to eat?
The water to drink?
The education we have for free?
The roof we have over our head?
The jackets we have to protect our self from the cold?
How about the extra accesories that we have?
An iPod?
An laptop?
An iPad?
A camera?
A cell phone?
A car?
No. We never look things like that. We always want to be on top. But there is still that nagging question in you mind. How the person that always is smiling, laughing and having fun? They are the ones with the most problems. They cover it up with that. They have Sabr.
Allah gave us so many things to us for free. What if we did not have eyes to see? Hands to hold? Feet to walk? Food to eat? What would we do?
So brothers and sisters, the next time you have a problem, don't look at that person, ignore shaytann, yes, it is devil telling you that. And tell him how lucky you are.
*Do not tell Allah how big your problems are, tell problems how big Allah is.
*Before asking Allah what you want, first thank Allah for what you have.
But this does not mean that you cannot ask Allah to make your problem better, because surely if Allah gave it to you, Allah can take it away. Ask Allah for anything and everything you want, (everything that is halal)! But just remember to ignore Shaytann and be grateful for what you already have and not complain, whine and compare about everything.
Sometimes, well all the time, I do this. And then I remember how lucky I am. But still, sometimes, I complain. I am trying, and that is all I ask for you to do. Jazakallah for reading. May Allah grant us to do these things and to follow the Sunnah of out Propeht (S.) What I write is mainly for me, and also for you. I make many sins and May Allah forgive them, and also yours. I am not perfect, so this book or chapeters may not be used for proof with/against anything. May Allah give me and you hidah to do these things and for everything that is good.
"Life is Messed Up"
Spiritual"Ugh, my life is so messed up up" We say that line very often. But we never think before saying that and putting those words into action.