Chapter 1

41 5 4

Cold as Ice

"Don't touch that."

"Or that."

With an angry huff, Jimin stood up and pulled his hand back to his body. He turned to face the raven-haired boy who was fixing his mini statues that Jimin didn't even touch. "Jungkook, we're in a group together. You need to start trusting me."

"Why would need I trust you with my 5th grade art project." He glared at the other while Jimin glared back, the other members just watching the scene play out silently.

"Because we're friends, Jungkook." The shorter boy was clearly starting to lose his cool. The cold exterior of the other had finally managed to make the nicest one in the group crack. All the other boys already had their yelling session where they left the room in rage. It was actually pretty amazing the someone lasted this long. "Friends trust each other with their fucking art projects."

"We're not friends though." Jungkook was blunt about his feelings, his facial expression unchanging.

Jimin growled and balled his fists up but turned away from Jungkook and walked into the waiting arms of Taehyung. The latter was always there for Jimin. He was the perfect friend; unlike somebody.

"I say we end today's rehearsal right now." Namjoon stood up from the couch and the other 3 boys followed with nods of their heads.


"Let's go, Tae." Hoseok called to his boyfriend who was still trying to comfort the blonde-haired boy with the red jacket, special for Jungkook.

Jimin's head shot up when he heard Jungkook mumble a small 'fag' as he turned around to clean his shitty artwork again and rearrange his trophies. The short boy glared daggers in the back of the raven-haired boy's head and he swore he was stabbing him in his mind.

Taehyung and Hoseok heard it too but they were used to the mean words from the boy. Hoseok smiled reassuringly at V and the latter tugged on Jimin's hand to lead them out of the door that the others had already left from.

"Come on, Jiminie." The small boy followed behind the two boys with a sad look on his face that Jungkook didn't see because he wasn't watching when his three hyungs left the room with their patience for his antics running thinner and thinner.

"Bye, Kookie." The younger didn't even acknowledge the attempted at a kind action from one of the few people that still cared for him. Jimin sighed again and followed after the others who'd already left.

Once Jungkook heard the click of he door closing his head was raised to look out the window to see the polluted city outside. The sky outside was as grey as his mind. He turned around after setting his shining down trophy that read 1st place 9 year old pianist 2005.

The tall boy made his way towards the upper bunk. His roommate wasn't there. He was probably enjoying his time with his group, leaving Jungkook all alone, the way he liked it.

His bed was gray and the color he made his walls was a color that was calming to him and strange to others. The cool grey surrounded him as he grabbed the small, black remote off his bed to push a button and seal off his windows and pull up the stairs that led up to his personal space. Thank god the school was high tech.

He set his ceiling to show the night sky. The cameras at the top never failed to show what the world outside looked like in the highest definition. Jungkook was at peace in his small safe haven with its dark walls and complete solitude.

• • •

Jimin, on the other hand, felt lonely in his large dorm room that he had all to himself. His parents were overly kind and thought that their son would like some privacy so they paid the extra price of a larger dorm that was for only one person.

The two characters in his drama had finally kissed and Jimin finally felt a little better. It happened every Friday; the grouchy Jungkook would hurt Jimin's fragile feelings and the boy would sit in his room, alone, drinking water and watching whatever drama he was watching.

Witch's Romance was currently his favorite and he'd already seen a few episodes but he'd fallen behind due to the school work.

Jimin loved the spotlight. He loved dancing and singing. He was a people pleaser. That's why he went to the school that almost guaranteed a career in the entertainment industry, SGYM Academy.

Why Jungkook went to the school was what confused him. The boy had similar feelings to a rock and hated almost everyone he met. He never danced and when he sang it was forced by the members and his teachers. He avoided makeup and ditched acting classes everyday. Jungkook didn't want to be an idol, well, if he did he certainly didn't act like it.

"Yes!" Jimin yelled despite it being 10:30 at night. The dorms were soundproof for a reason. The couple in the drama were holding hands and smiling at each other on the screen. Love was showing in their eyes and Jimin was throughly impressed with the acting and wondered if the pair were actually dating.

While Jimin did his research on a cute couple for his romance drama, Jungkook was sitting in his room with his headphones off and his lights off as he watched Iron Man for the umpteenth time with the unneeded subtitles at the bottom.

Jungkook wished he had metal armor that could keep him from the rest of the world 24/7. An armor that said 'mess with me and you die' that could keep his face hidden while he had the ability to kill anyone who got in his way.

Staring with the blonde boy who refused to give up of breaking down Jungkook's walls that were unbreakable. If Jungkook were Iron Man, Jimin would be blown off the face of the Earth and people wouldn't talk to Jungkook again. He didn't need any friends. He didn't need a cute, sweet Jimin who clung to him with puckered lips and a shining smile.

If only Jungkook were Iron Man.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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