Hey everyone! It's the ranting Vaporeon! Today I will be ranting! OBVIOUSLY. About my parents stalking me. Don't get me wrong! I love me parents! But sometimes I just....AUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME IN DYING OF STALKING!!!!! Jk. :P
I have a senpai that has noticed me( and yes I am an animu and Yan sim fan 4 life) so they run that everything he texts me is supposed to be perverted. Like WUT???? WHY!!!!! NO ONE FRICKING DOES THAT!!!!! THEY EVEN KNOW HES A SUPER NICE PERSON LIKE WTF!!!! THEY FRICKING CHECK MY MESSAGES!!! ARE YOU EXPECTJNG SOME FRICKING SUPER PERVERTED SHIT OR SOME THING?????? CAUSE I DONT DO THAT!!!! I DO CUTE, NICE, FUNNY, AND SWEET!!! NOT PERVERTED!!!!!!! SO YOU CAN LLEAVE MY THE FUCK ALONE!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
PLEASE let me know in the comments if you have parents like this. PLEASE. I need people to relate to. I'll see you guys I the next part!! Later!
~The Ranting Vaporeon~
My Life = Get Triggered
Non-FictionWant to rant? To bad. I'm ranting, so you can get triggered with me!!!! Yay!!!!