Not Everything is Pointless

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(again, thanks Gina, for drawing Hanagata for the cover and just, helping me out so much in general on this story ^_^)



Chapter 1



“Hanagata, the leader wants to see you.”

Without even moving my head, my gaze shifted to the doorway. Not really thinking about it, I looked back forward. “I’m busy.”

The woman sighed; she figured I’d be like this. I always was, anyway. “What’re you doing?”

I was laying flat on my stomach on the floor of my room, a pencil in my left hand stretched forward to write on a piece of paper. I was only half-heartedly drawing, though; I wasn’t really paying attention to what marks were being made.

“Tell him I’m busy.”

“I’m not lying to him, Hanagata.”

“I would.”

She sighed again. “He said that if you didn’t go see him, he would come here.”

I let go of my pencil. “You say that as if he doesn’t come here ever.”

She sounded like she was starting to get irritated. “Hanagata, could you maybe just cooperate for once? You don’t really have a reason not to.”

Actually I did, but I knew she didn’t want to hear it and it wasn’t a great excuse. I closed my eyes and sighed. “Why does he want to see me?” I had a feeling I already knew the answer, and it was confirmed when she didn’t answer me. I stood up and stretched, then headed towards the door.

“Lets get this over with.” I said, walking past the woman in front of the doorway. I never really liked anything the leader of my village told me to do, but there was no way around certain things. Usually those are the ones I hate the most.

People instantly knew something was up when they saw me walking towards the leader’s office. I wasn’t the top of my class…my taijutsu was horrible and I’d lose every time in a battle of strength. Some people call me a coward because of my different fighting style. See, my village isn’t really all that important, but it’s important enough that it needs my clan to protect it and fight for it and such. However, there are a few missions that aren’t as easy for my clan because of their typical fighting style.

That’s where I come in.

Rather then using close to mid-range fighting, I use long-range fighting and prefer using just ninjutsu. Also, rather then instantly confronting my opponent, I use stealth and observation to determine how I should attack. There’re a lot of differences, maybe too many. You don’t want to be too different. At least, that’s what I’ve started to believe. It’s the only answer I can find to my question.

I reached the leader’s office and walked inside, without even bothering to announce that I was there. He looked up, surprised, but relaxed a bit when he saw me.

“Oh…Hanagata, you’re here…”

I leaned against the side of the doorway. “Alright, you and I both know that I’m going to complain about the mission, so you might as well get it over with and not waist time.”

“Yes…well…you will be interested to know that you won’t be alone this time.”

I raised an eyebrow. Usually I did missions that only required one shinobi, since I had a totally different fighting style. Besides, I can stay hidden easier if I move my own way and pace.

“Uh…look, all you need to know is you’ll be accompanying someone one their way to Suna. You leave tomorrow."

I glared at him. “If I only need to know that much then I’m not needed. I’ll be going, now.”

I didn’t even get a chance to move. “Could you just, maybe do the mission without complaints?”

“I don’t even see why I have to go. If he’s going to Suna, then I don’t need to protect him-“

“And what about until he gets to Suna?”

“If you’re so worried about it, then why not have people from Suna come here?”

“It’s not that simple-“

“Really? ‘Cause, it sounds pretty simple to me.”

He rubbed his temples. “Just, get ready for tomorrow. You’re going, whether or not you want to.”

I sighed and stood up. “Whatever.” This was pointless, but I left to ‘get ready’ anyhow.

Later, when I was back in my room, I flopped on my bed after throwing my coat again. I guess I was kinda a pain…but today was a good day. Usually it’s worse. Why do these people dislike me so much?


It was dark out.

I found myself tearing through the village, tears welling up in my eyes in disbelief. I was barely conscious of the people around me. Only one thing was on my mind.

Still running, I turned and practically crashed through the door to my house.

“Dad! You’ve gotta be here…this isn’t funny! It’s not-“

 I looked back as my mom put her hand on my shoulder. All I could do was cry.

The image changed and I found myself in the forest. In front of me was a girl who looked like a younger version of our mom.

“Damn it Akari, I’ve been looking for you for two years! Mom and I were afraid you had died, too. Why didn’t you come back!?”

“Because, I should’ve died instead of dad! It wasn’t fair!”

“So what, you’re going out to get revenge? That’s stupid, Akari, you’ll get swallowed up in darkne-“

“Shut up! You wouldn’t know anyhow!”


The cool morning air hit me as I woke with a start. Those memories I would never forget…

I sat up, reliving every moment of the full memory. I was twelve in the first part of that dream…I had come back from a mission when I was told my father had died. Dad had taught me a little medical ninjutsu, and we were just, always having a good time. He didn’t care that I couldn’t use taijutsu. Of course, he was actually from Konoha. Even Mom gives some hints that she disapproves of my long-ranged attacks, but she’s ok. Dad’s death hit her as hard as it hit me.

The second part of that dream…was one year ago, when I was fourteen. See, two days after Dad’s death, my sister Akari wet missing. Mom was never the same after that…she faked smiles for me, but even I could see the sadness in her eyes. It affected me as well, though…Akari was who would be there for me, when others made it obvious that I was different. Akari understood. But Dad’s death…it affected her more then anyone else.

Then, two years later, I found her on my way to Konoha. Only, this wasn’t the Akari I knew…this was Akari with the intent of revenge.

I looked up at the rising sun. Guess I’d better get over to the village gate…

It wasn’t that long before the other guy arrived. Still, I acted like I’d been there for hours.

“What on earth is the reason for taking so long?”

He sighed. “Things will be much easier if you don’t act the way you always do. I know you’re used to working by yourself, but it won’t be that much different.”

“We’ll be moving about ten times slower. Now say that while looking into my eyes.”

He sighed again. “I’m guessing you don’t care enough about the details…so lets go. The sooner we leave, the sooner we’ll get there."

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