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"C'mon Grace, he likes you. Give him a chance."

I've never been the type to date. Maybe it's because I haven't met the right person, or maybe it's just because, I don't want to.

"Aren't you tired of the single life?"

For some reason, people want answers for everything.
My two best friends believe being single is a sickness. A certain amount of days without a guy surely means I'm gonna die soon in their book. I never really felt the "connection" or "sparks" my friends have so called felt.
I have never been the very social type, so dating never really felt like something I would enjoy. But since i have boy crazy, love struck friends I got stuck in several blind double dates, which ended with me leaving disgusted and questioning the very existence of the male population.
I've also never really been attracted to anyone, ever. The only "relationship" I ever had was in 6th grade and that lasted 3 weeks, after he bought me a nice bracelet, which, by the way, broke two days after I received it. My friends seem to think that I always need a guy wrapped around me in order to be okay. Well, the truth is, I didn't. And I hadn't needed a guy for quite a long time. That 6th grade boyfriend-- It was an elementary crush, and we basically only flirted over text. He would tell me he liked me over and over again, and I would say I liked him back. We'd give each other gifts every once in a while, thinking that's what couples were supposed to do. We didn't really know what we were doing. In fact, we didn't know if we really even looked at each other in that way. All we knew was we "liked" each other and that it was normal for people who "liked" each other to get each other gifts. We couldn't even mutter a single word to each other in person. We just awkwardly waved, or avoided each other all together. That doesn't sound like "love" or "exciting" to me. Anyway, it ended as soon as 6th grade ended, since we were too lazy to keep the connection going, considering it didn't really matter to us all that much. I never got a boyfriend again. I was completely fine and independent on my own, and seeing couples who completely and utterly relied on each other as if they'd die without a guy or girl, grossed me out quite frankly. After that, I realized, I was better off on my own without a boy holding me back. And besides, who needs another person to take care of your own life anyways??

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