Simple Beginnings

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So this is a new story of mine, I'm actually pretty excited about it! So let's see where this bad boy takes us.

Disclaimer: This entire book is purely a work of fiction. If any names or places correspond to any real persons, places or things, this is a coincidence! Also, please don't copy my story. Firstly because that's rude and secondly because that's illegal.


Let's get this show on the road!

" Wake up, sleepyhead." said my husband Matt. He poked me on the side.

"Give me 5 more minutes." I grumbled. I was way too cozy in my bed to wake up. Matt laughed.

"Wake up Alexandra, you're gonna be late." He said poking me again.

"Fine." I said getting up. He chuckled.

"Morning Lex. " said Matt smiling.

" Morning." I yawned. I'm seriously not a morning person !!

"I'll be downstairs making breakfast, babe" said Matt getting up and walking out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I went to the sink and turned the tap on.

"You look like crap, Alex." I said to myself while looking into the mirror. My hair looked like 2 rabbits just had sex in it. I had bags under my eyes. Jesus, I looked like crap!!

I washed my face and dried it with a towel. I then proceeded to take off my pyjamas which consisted of a tank top and pyjama bottoms. Sexy, I know. I hopped into the shower and began washing my body. Once I was done with my body I began washing my hair. I was in the process of rinsing my hair, when I heard a loud crash coming from the bedroom.I turned off the water and stepped out the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out the bathroom.

" Matt." I called out. I walked further into the bedroom and looked around. "Matt." I called out again. I spotted a vase on the floor next to the bed. Weird, if Matt would have broken it, he would have cleaned it up. He's practically a neat freak!

"Matt " I called out again only to be met by more silence.

I shrugged off my towel and put on my panties and bra. I felt as if I was being watched. I looked around my bedroom, but spotted nothing out the ordinary.

"You're just being paranoid Alex." I said to myself. There was no one watching me.

I went back to the task at hand and put on my work clothes all while still feeling that I was being watched. I looked around the bedroom and again ,spotted nothing out the ordinary. I put on my pumps and walked out the bedroom. I went downstairs and towards the kitchen.

"Matt." I said entering the kitchen.

" Yeah" he said looking up. He was busy cutting fruit for a fruit salad.

"Did you go into the bedroom while I was taking a bath? " I asked.

"No." he said with a confused expression. "Why?"

"Well, while I was in the shower I heard a crash. So I came out of the shower and went into the bedroom to see what it was. I found a vase on the floor." I said.

"Maybe, I don't know, the wind knocked it over." he said shrugging. I nodded. He was right but, the windows weren't open. Stop it Alexandra, stop being so paranoid. It was nothing.

But I couldn't help feeling that something was wrong,seriously wrong.

A/N : Well, here it is guys. I hope you like it!!!

Comment, Vote. Tell me what you think.

Also constructive criticism is very much appreciated!!

~ Eminem4IT ♥

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