Maria sama ga miteru

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Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume1



The clear morning greeting travels through the serene, blue sky.

Today, once again, the maidens that gather in the Virgin Mary's garden smile purely to one another as they pass under the tall gateway.

Wrapping their innocent bodies and souls is a deep-coloured school uniform.

Walking slowly so as to not disturb the pleats in their skirts, so as to not toss their white sailor scarves into disarray... such is the standard of modesty here. Running here because one is in danger of missing class, for instance, is too undignified a sight for students to wish upon themselves.

Lillian Private Academy for Women.

Founded in Meiji 34, this academy was originally intended for the young women of nobility, and is now a Catholic academy of prestigious tradition. Placed in downtown Tokyo, where you can still see traces of Musashi Field's greenery, it is protected by God, a garden where maidens can receive tutelage from pre-school to university.

Time passes, and even now, in Heisei, three era-names past Meiji, it is a valuable academy, where nurtured ladies raised in greenhouses are shipped out in carefully packaged boxes after 18 years of schooling - an arrangement that continues to survive.

She-, Fukuzawa Yumi (福沢祐巳), is just one of those ordinary ladies.

Monday of Uneasiness

Part 1.


It was Monday.

Down the rows of gingko trees is a fork in the road, and it was here that Yumi was called upon from behind to wait.

It was a cold, piercing voice, strong enough to seem like an illusion. Furthermore, because this happened right in front of Maria-sama's figure, for an instant she thought that perhaps it was Maria-sama telling her to hold still.

Having been spoken to, you must first stop and answer "yes," then turn your entire body. Even if it was unexpected, you must not act rushed. Suffice it to say; simply "turning your face" is definitively unladylike conduct.

As elegant as possible, as well as beautifully. All in order to get even one step closer to being like the elder sisters.

That is why as soon as you turn about and stand facing your company, you must smile and say gokigenyou-.

Unfortunately, Yumi was unable to answer "gokigenyou."


It was because recognizing who had called out to her struck her speechless.

The reason why she had not immediately jumped up is because she had dedicated herself to conduct herself the way a student at Lillian Girls' Academy should, and her restraint at this moment was show of progress toward this goal ... at least, that is how she wished it would have been. Rather, her astonishment was so great that her actions lagged far behind her racing mind, leaving her frozen in time.

"Um... would you be speaking to me?"

Somehow managing to thaw herself, Yumi managed to ask, incredulously. Of course, Yumi had already confirmed that she was the only one in direct eye-sight, and she was the only one that could possibly be spoken to. Even so, it was difficult for Yumi to believe.

"You are not mistaken. I am the one who spoke, and you were the one to whom I spoke."

Not mistaken, she had said. Yet, Yumi desperately felt like responding, of course there was a mistake, and then running away. Having no idea why she would be called upon, her mind was in a state of near-panic.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 03, 2012 ⏰

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