Circles Squares and Triangles

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Joe, Jacob and Harley's mother was going on holiday and leaving the children behind.

"We don't need a babysitter, i'm 18, we'll be fine" Harley had said the night before. Their mother doubted whether she should leave them, but it was to late to cancel her of flight now.

Just before she went, she switched on the radio to listen to the news.

"Circles squares and triangle, do not leave your children." came the voice on the radio.

"Odd" said their mother, but she carried on.

When she was driving in her car, she switched on her radio. The same voice came again .

"Circles squares and triangle, do not leave your children." but she just ignored it.

When she got to the air port she could feel eyes stabbing her like a blade. on the loud speakers, once again came that high voice.

"Circles squares and triangle, do not leave your children." but she still just ignored it. She thought she was going mad.

At last she sat down on the her seat in the plane. But then came the voice, more angry than before.

"Circles squares and triangles, I warned you not to leave your children"

This time she knew something was wrong, she could feel it. So she got up and ran out of the plane, as it hadn't taken off yet.

In her car, that voice boomed around her.

"Circles squares and triangles, I warned you not to leave your children" She drove home as fast as she could. But it was to late.

The moment she opened her door, she knew something was wrong. She walked into the bathroom and Joe, the youngest at 4, was hanging on the wall by a rope. Next to him, drawn in his own blood, was a circle. He was dead.

She went into the spare room, and Jacob, the middle child at 9, was hung on the wall with his eyes gouged out. Next to him drawn in blood was a square. He was dead.

Then she walked into Harley's room. He was hung on the wall also, with a huge hole in his side and blood all down the walls. Next to him, drawn in his own blood, was a triangle.

"Okay, you got me!! Just kill me, whoever you are just kill me I'm scared!!" She screamed.

"Circles squares and triangle, i warned you not to leave your children."

The next day, when their father returned from his business trip, he came home to find his three children dead and his wife laying in Harley's room, with plastic circles squares and triangles stuck in her face. Dead.

" Circles squares and triangles, do not leave your children"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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