Name: Harper Pendett
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
Appearance: African american, with milk chocolate skin. Gorgeous light green leaf eyes and plump pink lips. Dimples. He's 5'10 and a bit lanky with some muscles. A bit of fuzz on his face and hair. Tends to wear long sleeves with jeans and sneakers.
Personality: He's a wimp. Harper's always walked over like a welcome mat and he's so sweet and nerdy. He's smart too.
Background: He's been bullied since he was young, sent to the hospital from the severe bullying. He lives with his single dad and works two jobs to help him.
Relationships: His dad is always working, so they aren't close. He has no other family.
Weapons: Wooden bat, knife, sharpened pencil.
Skills/Quirks/Hobbies: He's good at cooking and with calming people. He's really smart. Likes to also read.
Other/Extra: He's single and likes his bully, though the bully bullied him.
Extra: [Claimed by the lovely Bear-Hat]
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