Christmas come back - The Mentalist

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Okaaaay..... since I really like Christmas I decided to write a Christmas Fanfiction....
and because everyone is writing one... (I know I'm late! :3)
BTW: excuse my writing, my language and just everything. If you're sensitive with bad fanfics don't read it! 
Disclaimer: I do not own the Mentalist! (obviously)

Lisbons Povs

It's finally Christmas. Not finally because I look forward to it and I'm waiting for presents and gifts. It's finally because I can finally met Jane and Wayne, Grace and Cho. After Jane was free was traveling  through the world or so I haven't seen him.
It must be about 2 years in which I haven't seen my friends.
This whole Let's-meet-on-christmas thing was Waynes and Graces idea.. obviously.
But I'm not sure if Jane is coming he was gone again for 2 years saying it's the best for us. It's his fault I can't fall in love. How can someone even-
Okay Teresa calm down.
For our little Christmas party I prepared a black dress with gold stripes on the shoulder. It goes a bit over the knees.  I feel very very uncomfortable in it but Grace sent me this dress "for Jane".
It actually is to much for a mini-party and for the fact that we don't even know if he's coming. But whatever.
I sweating. It's probably because I'm getting nervous. 
It's already 7:30 pm that means that I have to go. I'm leaving my apartment and taking a taxi.
After 1 hour of terrible driving I arrive at the adress Grace gave me. It's a house which is beautifully decorated with Christmas lights. A little Santa with his sleigh and Reindeers on the top.
I knock at the door. A girl with orange-red hair opens the door. She looks exactly like Grace. Wait.... it is Grace!
"Boss! you look gorgeous in this dress!" Wayne comes from behind Grace. "Wow Boss long time ago I've seen you in a dress" he says smirking.
"Come in!" Grace orders in a very sweet and kind mood. In the living room are sitting two men. They turn around and I see the by my heart missed face of Patrick Jane. And I see Cho who I sometimes met on the street. First I hug Grace and Rigsby then Cho and at least Jane. It's a long hug. When the hug with Jane ends he kisses me on my left cheek. In my ear he whispers "beautiful as always!"   I smile.
The evening is filled with laughter, love, talking and eating.
Later Grace and Wayne kiss under a mistletoe.  I have tears in my eyes but fortunately not even Jane sees it. 
Their little son shows up. He is literally the most sweetest kid I've ever seen. Grace carries him back to bed and I accompany her. After she layed him in his bed and closed the door she keeps bothering with questions.  Obviously about my 'relationship' with Jane.
"Soooooo..."  She's mumbling. 
"So what?" I ask seeing Grace smirking.
"hmmm... I'm actually not supposed to ask that but.... soo are you going with Jane tonight?" Well she really isn't supposed.  And I have no idea I mean I'm totally mad at him because he left me again for 2 years! I could explain her the situation but her eyes are shining and full of hope. So I just awnser with an easy "Maybe- I mean I don't know- I mean there are some complications." 
Even my easy awnser made it difficult to say. 
Grace smiles. 
When the night ends and we are all leaving  the incredibly amazing decorated house, and everyone hugged each other, I'm almost in the taxi cap as Jane pulls me out of it. He takes my hand and leads me into his car. Always the same blue car. Without saying a word I enter and sit down at the seat next to Janes. He's driving. I'm trying not to say anything about his driving. It would just disturb the atmosphere. 
1 hour driving without saying a word is really really weird. And also I have no idea where he's bringing me. 
I see the street where I live.  He's bringing me home. I have to admit that I'm a liiiiiiittle bit disappointed.  We're standing infront of my apartment. I'm leaving the car and Jane is doing the same. It begins to rain. First the rain drops are small but they're growing up very fast. As I'm arriving in my apartment I'm totally wet. Jane's next to me. He's also wet. We look at each other and laugh. But I have to come back to serious.  He left me alone for years again. Although he came back once and said he'll never go again.
"Jane, we need to talk." I say hoping that he wont see my desperation and that I won't cry my eyes out infront of him.
"Lisbon before you say anything. I have to explain a lot...."
I interrupt him "Jane what do you have to explain? You left saying it would be the best. Don't you think it was enough to go away after you killed Red John? You said you'll stay! And look at you now! It seems that I haven't seen you since- I don't know and that's not even the point! I mean Jane please!"
I'm really upset.

 "Teresa I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I'm not expecting that you'll forgive another time. But please believe me that it has it's reasons."

I look deep in his eyes. I can see pain and gultiness. 

"What's wrong Jane?" 

He tries to hide his worrying face. But without succes.

"Nothing, everything is fine" he whispers.

I'm still Standing infront of him. I turn around and walk to the window.

"Okay Jane whatever is going on..." I say with an annoyed voice. " I just want to be out of this Dress!" I exclaim desperately. 

"I'll go then. I'm coming back soon!" he replies.

"You said the same sentence before you disappeared for two Long years." I say sadly. My hope to not cry is not possible. I hug Jane and cry on his shoulder.

"I know," he agrees. "I just want you to be safe!" I am pretty sure something isn't right but it's Christmas and I don't want think about what could be and what not. I walk him to the door,

As he's Standing in the door he turns around to me and hugs me again. The hug grows into a deeply kiss. We end up in my bedroom...


The next day i wake up laying in my bed, next to me a sleeping Jane. I look to the watch, which is staying on the Little table next to my bed. It's 8am. I#m beginning to think about what happened yesterday. Am I okay with what I or we did? My thoughts are interrupted by the Vibration of my phone. It's a message from an unknown number. I open the message and see a Red smile. I would say it's the Red John smile but it looks different. Under it it's written: Deep legends will never die.

What did i told you?? So yeah... i hope you didn't get to much headache of it!- Merry late Christmas!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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