I used to have Everything then he messed it up.. part 2

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The next day at school when I saw Jason he smiled and pulled me into a hug and gave me a kiss. Travis just looked around trying not to watch. The 7:45 bell rang and Jason and I started to walk to class. We stopped at my locker and got my Geociv book and started towards my class. He kissed me for a long time until the bell rang and he was tardy. I walked into class and sat down next to Mikayla. We were watching a movie in that class so Mikayla and Dylan moved their desks and we all sat in a row. It always made me smile when the three of us sat together even though Jason hates Dylan and told me not to talk to him. See Jason decided that he was going to beat up Dylan, and he says its because he acts like he's best at everything. I tried to explain that just how Dylan is and that he shouldn't fight him, but Jason just thought that I liked him. That's when I found the truth that he was jealous of Dylan.

Mikayla put her phone under my leg and received a text message. ( long story) It was from Jason and she showed it to me. It said

Hey is this Fallon?

I wrote back

It is now(

The teacher looked at me with the expression like I know you have your phone out put it away before I take it away. So I gave it back to Mikayla who gave it back like five minutes later because Jason had text back like twenty times because I hadn't replied.



Babe what did I do this time?


Sorry the teacher looked over at me( but I can't talk because this is Mikayla's phone Kay love you(((


Love you to(

At lunch, after I made Jason go to class because he has second lunch, I walked around the commons and into the office. Mikayla and I bugged them for a while until they started squirting us with water guns. (Yes I know our office people are AWSOME ) The lunch line had gone down so Catherine stood in line with me. Jamiee Wagner came up and started to talk to us. She's so annoying sometimes but she's alright( I got near the middle of the line and I saw Mr. Hubbard. He called me over and I happily walked over.

He looked at me with a serious face; my smile went down a little.

"What's wrong?" I asked

He got right to the point.

"What do you see in Jason?" he said in a tone that made me think. I thought about it but I couldn't come up with and answer. There was a lump in my throat as he waited for my answer.

"Ummm... I don't know" was all I could say.

"Well you want to know what he was talking about with his friends in my class this morning."

"What was he talking about?" I asked trying not to freak out, I mean wouldn't you freak if one of your closest teachers asked you what your boyfriend was talking about in class?

"They were talking about how much they would pay to have sex with one of the girls in my class" he said kind of angry. My stomach hurt and I thought I was going to throw up.

"Who were they talking about?" I asked twice because he didn't answer the first time.

"Felicia Alcorn" I thought about it. She was pretty but everyone thought she was stupid.

"ohh" was all I could say to him, I started to walk away when he stopped me. "

"You can do better then him... you don't have to settle for him" he said.

I said ok then I walked back into line. Catherine looked at me. "What did he say to you?"

She asked concerned. I just shook my head and fake smiled. I knew she knew me better then to believe it but she didn't say anything. I ordered a chickenwich and walked over to my table.

I looked down at my food and tried to decide if I could eat it, everyone was looking at me so I opened it and took a bite. Everyone was talking to each other and as I chewed and tried to swallow I dropped my sandwich. "I can't eat this!" I said a little loud and everyone went silent. Madison scooted away and said "get away are you going to be sick?" my eyes filled with tears as I thought about what happened with Mr. Hubbard. Catherine got up and ran over. "Let's go for a walk" she said and I just shook my head. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. Mikayla was with me to and she looked concerned. "What did he say to you?" she asked after we were alone. I told them what he said. Catherine looked at me dead serious and said "Fallon what do you think?"

"I don't know" I said and started to cry again.

"For all we know Jason could be the one and if he is just using you then he's going to get his ass beat" Catherine said. It made me laugh.

I felt a little better but I still was sniffling and I whispered just loud enough for them to hear "you guys are the best" and I smiled. They both broke into tears and we hugged. Mikayla redid my makeup because it was smeared and we started to 4th period with Mr. Hubbard. I knew that it was going to be hard not to think about it but I tried. Mikayla and I waited until the class was all inside the room then walked in seconds before the bell rang. Mikayla was sitting across the room and I sat in front of Mr.Hubbard's desk.

He started passing out papers, and telling us that we were going to work on our worksheets from yesterday for the first ten minutes of class then we were going outside for the next one. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened at lunch and I felt the tears coming so I looked at Dylan who saw my expression and made a funny noise (I call it the dinosaur noise). But it didn't last long. I just had a blank stare at the white board as the tears formed. Mr. Hubbard looked at me and told me to go out side.

I walked out side and leaned against the wall and forced myself not to cry in front of him. " I can tell that you have been thinking about what I told you at lunch" he started and I couldn't hold it in anymore and I just started to cry. He looked at me with a look that made me think of my dad and how much I miss him.

" I didn't mean to upset you" He said, " I was going to wait tell track season to ask you why you were going out with him, but I thought we had a good enough relationship to talk about it" He sounded so much like my dad that I wasn't crying about Jason or anything else right then. I was crying because he cared, he cared more then my mom did and more then my step dad.

"You can stay out here until you feel like coming inside" he said "ill bring you some tissues" and he walked inside. He came back out with tissues and started back inside but I stopped him.

"Could you send Mikayla out here?" I asked wiping my tears. He nodded and went inside, Mikayla was practically running out the door her arms open ready to give me a hug. I hugged her and cried until there was nothing left. I told her what happened outside moments before and asked her what she would do, but she didn't answer. Mr.Huabbard out his head outside the door.

" you should go farther down the hall and wait tell everyone passes then you can come into my room, but don't stay to long you need to do this assignment still" we nodded and waited for our class mates to leave. We walked inside and sat on the desks. Mikayla redid my makeup for a second time in less than an hour, she also stuffed my pockets full of tissues. We started to walk out of the class room and down towards the track where the class was.

Comment and vote( ill put up the next part soon!


My dad lives in Arkansas and I only get to see him summer break and Christmas. My mom is remarried to brad and has two kids with him Mia and mercer. I have and older sister named Chelsea whose dad lives god knows where. My dad is remarried also but has no kids with her. She has a kid named Meagan and my sister Kati has a different mom her name is Vicky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2010 ⏰

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I used to have Everything then he messed it up.. part 2Where stories live. Discover now